Friday, April 5, 2013

My friend wrote this

What is the worth of a Slave? To some they are no more than trash... not more than the dust on the boot they shed at the end of the say as they kick their boots off.. No better than a leaking pipe that seems to fill yet another empty void.  However, this is not the case... to me..  To me, a slave is the extension of my soul. They are the first thing I see when I wake the sunshine n their eyes, the warmth of their touch, the sweet breath they leave on a cold morning as the bones ache and they sooth the mind and pains.. They are the ones who keep my home steady and in order. They are the ones who get my clothes, draw my baths, cook my meals, serve me in all ways, and yet ask for nothing in return.. They are in short my life. And my body. A man is judged by what he does.. And who he is.. Either FC'd or not.. The bond for the slave and Master is deeper in all ways. Men in Gor  are judged by the chain.. Why, I ask?  The true judge should be the smiles in the eyes of his girls, the flutter of their hearts when he walks in.. The fitting of his clothes as he stands there and then at his boots.. I being hard yet, soft and fair when it comes to them.. What shines more than the sun lies between their breasts.. It is their passion and heart. The Love and devotions that shows in every move they make... They are the first thing I see when I wake, and the last thing I kiss when I sleep.  They are what make me whole.  To see me in their eyes, it is a blessing the Priest Kings have asked of me to serve them... and in return, I take care of their children.. The slave being hard, being fair, and yes knowing the wisdom to change them into such devotion... An honor it is to have them at your feet by your side. They are the backbone of all I do, and I do for them.. To provide what they do not have.  When I have to get after them, it hurts me more as I care and devote myself for them. Though, they do not see it.. Their world is me.. And mine is them. Even if FC'd, they are still the deepest part of who I am.. What makes me... and who I run to when times are hard.. That is what makes a real Master,, and I am one. In the best sword that defends lands, there are two edges.. Both sharp and both deadly.. Hold your thought.. Same is for Slaves and Masters.. The bond is the steel, the slave one side, the Master the other.. Working together their Love and devotion is the killing blows... the power in the blade.. Is Life.

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