Friday, April 5, 2013

Rose Ceremony aka Collaring Ceremony

The submissive carries a single white rose blossom that has not fully bloomed.  The Dominant holds a single red rose that is opened almost fully.  Although both roses must have thorns on their stems and be freshly cut, it is nearly impossible to find a white rose with thorns.  If one can not be found the thorns from the Dominant's red rose can be shared as his offering to lead the relationship.  

The couple stands facing each other and the Dominant removes the submissive's collar.  He quickly purifies the collar by passing it through a flame and then returns it to her neck declaring to her that he will protect and guide her for eternity  With a thorn from his red rose he pricks the submissive's finger and lets two drops of blood fall on the white petals of her white rose. This symbolizes the Dominant taking her virginity and her belonging fully to him.  The submissive then offers her rose to him and repeats the procedure and lets two drops of blood fall onto the white rose, one above hers and one on top of hers.  The first drop signifies his willingness to shed his blood to protect her and the second signifies their unity.  The two then press their fingers together vowing to become one flesh and one blood.  If witnesses or friends are in attendance they will take a length of light chain and pass it quickly though the flame and then wrap it around the couple. 

  The chain symbolizes all the small links in their life that have made them what they are today and what has brought them together.  The couple will again make their vows that their souls will be bound together for all eternity.  The roses are touched so the blood from hers becomes their blood on  his.  To signify their unity they now exchange their roses, neither owning the part they have brought to the ceremony.  The chain is removed and never used again.  Instead it is wrapped in a cloth to be presented to the couple when the ceremony has ended.  The couple will keep the chain until they find a couple who they feel is worthy and they will use the chain at this couples ceremony, presenting it to them carefully wrapped after the ceremony.  It is a deep honor to receive the chain of ones who have gone on before you.  

The couple then puts their roses into a single vase.  Later the vase is taken to their room to remain as a reminder to them as they think upon their new bond while joining their bodies. The next morning they share their hopes and dreams of being together for eternity while they take turns plucking the petals from the roses and placing them in a container together.  These petals are kept throughout their lifetime together and a portion of them are buried with each in death.

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