Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Journal 10 - Drama Queen

April 3rd 2013

My mom spent a good 3 hours fighting with my little sister. It really makes me mad because they are constantly arguing about me. Apparently since I live here, my sister wont come stay the summer, or visit even. I don’t know what I did to make her hate me so much. In fact I don’t know what I did to anyone in my family to make them stop talking to me and what not. I haven’t really spoken to my sister at all other than hey, and let me get mom on the phone for nearly 2 years. 

So what makes this so hard is I was helping my mom with something. I had to type up something for her foster care for her. So I was typing up what she wrote, and it was like..oh here is my kid I love watching her with my granddaughter. Then it goes, here is my other daughter, going to be a lawyer, she is my best friend, I am so proud of her, and I miss her while she is away in college etc etc etc. Not only does that hurt but it makes me feel like I don’t belong here anymore. 

On top of that even my own father hasn’t spoken to me in almost an entire year. I just don’t know if I can take this anymore. I really think I need to just move away from them, and just be a distant child.

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