Sunday, April 7, 2013

BDSM Class 2

f your Dominant told you to go to the store to get milk, right when you got home from a bad day of work, is using your safe word appropriate?
 No, that is by far not appropriate. Not only is it manipulating, but to me a safe word is strictly for things that cross the lines. Something you arent comfortable with in a scene. To use a safe word for normal service task not only shows you as being lazy, but it shows you arent really serious. Instead, why not ask your Dominant if you can talk about it, and inform them I just got home, may I please have 15 minutes to relax, before I head to the store. Why use a safe word? Most Dominants are really considerate and care about your well being. They would rather us be healthy before really burning us out. Safe words are for serious things, not getting out of tasks just because you are tired
What are your opinions or thoughts?

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