Monday, April 8, 2013

Journal 5 - Stargate dream

March 24nd 2013

I don’t really have much to say aside from this weird dream I had. So I am going to tell you about this. I hope you enjoy it, and if anyone has any insight to what this dream means, please let me know.

I encountered several types of people during my dream. There was the werewolf looking creatures. These creatures were carnivorous, and very aggressive. They attacked innocent humans just to kill them. There was also some form of undead people. They wore regular clothing as the people in the renaissance era. On top of their gowns and breeches they were dark black robes. There was also the Stargate. It allowed me to travel to many different worlds. All I remember feeling was the fear of being attacked by the aggressive creatures that seemed to be in control by the people in the black robes. It was cold, even during the daytime. There was plant life, and forests just like on earth.

            My Dream:

            I am running through the field being chased by many creatures. There are hundreds of people running with me. I glance back and notice a little blonde girl getting picked up by another man on horseback. Several girls run in a different direction. I heard a man call for them, and notice they are wearing crowns and must be royalty. I watch as the creatures jump on them and kill them by tearing off their skin. We continue running into the forest where everyone seems to be getting happy. We cross into an area that has bones all over the ground, and a television set. The television screen is a bright blue, it hurts my eyes. I get closer and notice white writing in a language i've never seen before. The people gather behind it, and before the people in black robes could protest one of the creatures burst into the area with the bones. All of a sudden a loud sound starts to hurt my ears as I watch the creature melt before my eyes and then his bones fall to the ground.
            The other creatures and people in robes stand just out of reach of this thing. I noticed another creature jump in from a different direction and makes it closer to us until the people turn the television towards him. He too melts and his bones collapse to the ground. I now realize the television is causing this. Finally a dark robed person comes from behind us and unplugs the television from its power source. I quickly fall to the back of all the people to get a head start from the creatures. I manage to bump into someone and I look up and it’s a man in a black robe with piercing green eyes. He covers his lips for me to be silent. He wraps me in his Robe and holds me close. I hear screams and I can smell blood all around me. Finally he releases me and looks to a woman in a black robe. “I have turned her,” he says to the woman. She looks at me “what of the ORI” she asks of me. I tell her I don’t know of what she is speaking. She becomes frustrated and then walks away.
            I am handed a black robe and am told how to tie the cord properly around my waist. We come into a city but it seems deserted. The man that protected me stays by my side the entire time throughout this city. We are ordered to search for any one within the city. The man and I come into a home and notice candles lit. We begin searching and walk up some stairs. We open a door and there is a woman lying in her bed. She is older, and can barely breath. She seems to be asking us something in a language I cannot understand. The man nods and looks at me. “She is dying already, no need for her to suffer the wrath” then we exit the building and he informs the woman no one is in there.
            They lead me to the stargate and tell me to go through to my home planet and learn all I can about the ORI. I look at the man who I am starting to trust and he smiles at me. “I shall be here upon your return” I nodded and walked through the stargate. My first reaction is to find someone to help me destroy these creatures. I finally get people to start building bombs, and planning people with weapons to come through. I then go to the library to learn of the ORI. I find nothing.
            I tell the people who are going to go through with bombs and weapons to give me 20 minutes before coming through the gate. I wanted to help the man that helped me. I go back through and I am taken to a building. The people in robes are sleeping except for the man that helped me and another girl who walks to me. She looks me over, and chuckles a little. “Why not wear a gown like ours, do we offend your taste of clothing?” the man walks to her and tells her to leave me alone that I am under his protection. She glares at me and walks away. Then the man leans his head down and kisses my lips. I feel frightened and then I wake up!!!

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