Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hand Signals


"You have not been a kajira long, have you?" he asked.
I shook my head, negatively.
"You are familiar with gag signals, are you not?" he asked.
I whimpered once. When a woman is gagged, one whimper means "Yes," and two, "No."
"That is better," he said.
I hoped he would not cuff me.
"You wish to use them then, do you not?" he said.
I whimpered once. Of course! Of course!
"Good," he said. "Have you been a kajira long?"
I whimpered twice.
"You have much to learn," he said.
I whimpered once.
Witness 178


• Leading Hand Command •

I looked at the girl. I nodded to her to approach me. She did so. I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position.
-Beasts of Gor, pg. 409 -

• Nadu Hand Command •

He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of a Gorean master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading his first and index fingers, pointing downwards. I fled to him and knelt before him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling.
-Captive of Gor, pg. 143 -

• Belly Hand Command / Disrobe Hand Command •

Two gestures then did he make, in quick succession, the first indicating the left shoulder where, had I been tunicked in that fashion, there would have been a disrobing loop, and the second indicating, fingers spread, palm down, the floor. Instantly I drew the tunic over my head, stripping myself before him, and turned about, and put myself to my belly, legs and arms spread widely, spread-eagled.
-Witness of Gor, Ch. 10 -

• Instruction on 'Kneel' Hand Command •

I spread the first two fingers of my right hand and gestured downward, toward a place nearby in the sand. Immediately she knelt there, her knees widely spread. There are many signals by means of which such behaviors can be commanded. In this particular signal, one of several which, from city to city, might have similar import, the downward movement of the hand indicates that the girl is to kneel, the place where she is to kneel is indicated in effect by pointing,, and the spreading of the fingers indicates how she is to kneel, in this case, in effect, in the position of the pleasure slave, the knees spread. -Vagabonds of Gor, Ch. 29

• Obeisance Hand Command •

I pointed to the sand before me. She immediately, frightened, dropped to her knees and again put her head down to the sand, the palms of her hands, too, on the sand. It is pleasant to have a woman perform obeisance before one."
-Vagabonds of Gor, Ch. 19 -

• Crawl Hand Command •

I gestured that she should return the whip, and then, briefly, placed four fingers, downward, on the arm of the curule chair. The whip would be returned, then, in the manner of the naked slave.
"Yes, my Master," she whispered.
She fell forward, to her hands and knees, with a jangle of slave bells, and put her head down. She took the staff of the whip, which is about an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half in diameter, gently between her teeth, and looked up at me. The staff of the whip was crosswise in her mouth. Her mouth, by the whip, was held widely open. I snapped my fingers. Head down, then, on all fours, to the small sounds of the slave bells on her wrists and ankles, and collar, she slowly ascended the three broad steps of the carpeted dais. She was then before me, on all fours, the lovely, obedient slave, the former Miss Henderson, before the curule chair on which I reclined.
-Guardsman of Gor, pg 178 -

• Shhhhh Command •

I cautioned her to silence, holding my finger across my lips. This is a very natural gesture. I do not know if the gesture, considered as a Gorean gesture, had an independent deveopment, or if, specifically, somewhere in the remote past, it had an Earth origin. There are many Gorean gestures, of course, some of which are very similar to Earth gestures and some of which are not. Another way of warning an individual to silence, incidentially, is to touch the fingers twice, lightly, to the lips. The origin of that gestures, as far as I know, is uniquely Gorean. I looked back at the female. Her lip trembled. She was frightened. She wanted desperately to speak. She could not speak, of course. She was a slave. She had been silenced.
-Players of Gor, pg 179-

• Stand Command •

I snapped my fingers and Ina hurried to me. As I had kept the palm of my hand up, she did not kneel. She stood happily before me.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 327

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