Monday, April 8, 2013

Journal 8 - A cry in the night

March 30th 2013

So I had another dream that I wanted to write about. Please interpret!

The only people I encountered in my dream were my mother, brothers, sister, some doctors and my grandmother’s face.

My dream:

I was at the hospital talking with my grandmother as we waited for the doctor to enter our room to discuss the x-ray. Finally when the doctor came into the room he told us she had some sort of tumor wrapped around her spine. He said they could attempt surgery but it wasn’t guaranteed that it would work, and it could kill her. We sat and talked about our options and I went to the restroom for a moment. When I came back into the room she was unconscious and there was a nurse that was putting some type of medicine into her I.V. I asked what it was and she handed me a paper with a signature that from my grandmother saying that she gives them permission to put her into a coma like state for surgery. 

I cried and then started fighting with the nurses about waking her back up. They took her off to the O.R. despite my yelling and screaming. A few hours later the doctor came back and told me that she had died. I left and went home and met up with my brothers and sister and told them what had happened. Finally I got a call from my mom saying that she was at the hospital and needed surgery. She told me in case she didn’t make it out alive to take care of my brothers and sister. I began crying and told her I would and that I loved her. 

An hour later as we were getting into the car to go to the hospital an ambulance pulled up. The back doors opened and my mother was sitting there waving at us and she called to me and said take care of my brothers and sister. Then she laid back on the bed inside the ambulance and the nurse that was with her hollered out that she died.

I woke up after that crying.

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