Monday, April 8, 2013

Journal 7 - Peaceful day

March 28nd 2013

So today my mom took the kids to Universal studios. Which was cool because it meant I had the day to myself. Sucks though that my internet is down. It has been all week, like seriously wtf. Then I find out my dad is shutting off my cell phone. Which is delightful since I will heading to NY here soon. So what the hell am I supposed to use. So now I am even more in a panic mode.

Other than that I am pissed about my net. I had wanted to spend all day with my Master, and I guess that’s out the damn door too. Sometimes I wish things could be a bit more simple. I wish he was here, in my arms. I don’t think he realizes how desperately I need him. My world is dark without him here.

But hell its a great day to be alive. So I wont let anything get me down.

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