Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why I love my Master, and the way he dominates me!


It isn’t about the punishments or the rules when it comes to my Master. Granted I enjoy having these limitations, it is for his pleasure that I have them, and endure them. To me it is more the mentality of being his slave that works for me. When he tells me, No when I want something that he doesn’t approve of. When he says I have made him proud, I melt. When we talk about things together such as me kneeling before him. Just the fact he says kneel, and don’t move, stay in this position. That is what sets my fire ablaze. I know it is hard to explain, but it’s not about beating my ass, it’s not about giving me rules to follow at all. It’s my constant reminder of my service, and being put to serve that makes me feel his dominance over me.

This of course is not why I love him. Granted it is a large plus, but I can honestly admit that I could be with him in a vanilla relationship. I wouldn’t need the D/s or the kink. I know that I fell in love with the way he laughs and smiles. The fact he stands up for me, even if I am wrong, and his sense of humor. His strength is something that supports me when I feel I can no longer go on. Most importantly though, he makes me want to be a better person, and he hears me when I have something to say. He is there for me, when I break down, and feel I can no longer go on. Why wouldn’t I love the man he is? My strong Master. Who makes me ache to be at his feet, to please him, and love him. This is why I love my Master; this is how he dominates me, and why I have to be in his collar, attached to his leash, pleasing him to the best of my ability.

I love you, my Master


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