Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Gorean Master

The Gorean Master

The Master is a dominate man. Certain of himself.
Self-ensured in his home and the community he lives in
A worshipper of woman, as he thrives on their presence.
He is a giving, understanding, caring, and loving man.

As a Master takes this responsibility on himself to own a kajira, he will discover her inside and out.
And will slowly take possession of her.

Pushing her gently towards being ready to show the world she is strong.
Her boundaries not as close as she thinks and believes.
Showing her she can be more then he will ever think she can be as the Master will reveal the kajira her own self trust.
Her own level of self-respect and beauty she carries within.

When a Master meets his new kajira an understanding is formed.
He will feel her desire, needs, and passion.
With this knowledge the Master cares for his kajira. Always giving towards her needs, but not necessarily what she thinks needs or wants.

It is the Masters responsibility to take care of his kajira.
To protect her and love her.
When she is sick, to take care of her, or have someone take care of her.
When she is tired, allow her to rest, caressing her gently while she rests.
When she is scared, he will comfort and when needs attention, hold her lovingly.

These things he will do out of his own free will.
Because he knows her and loves her.
He knows her as no one else.
He is the one that looked into her soul and held it in his hands.
Her mind his, his to read and learn.
Her body his, his to feel and enjoy
Her heart his, his to cherish and love.
And she will slowly become his true possession.

The Master will not take away a kajira's identity.
But allows it to grow within the being of her.
Her dedication to her Master is not a vehicle for punishment and hate.
Rather one of love and development.
The kajira will be given the space and room to find herself under the wings of her Master's care.
Like a flower the blooms under the warmth of the sun, the kajira radiates his love and care.
Slowly becoming a rose, a magnificent being who knows she is loved and well taken care of.

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