Sunday, April 7, 2013

From a submissive woman

By: ai-ren 

I am a submissive woman. Being submissive doesn't mean I am weak or inferior. Neither does it mean I am unable to make decisions or have reign over my life. I've merely chosen to relinquish control.

I am an intelligent, informed woman who has chosen to surrender to the one man who places me and my welfare above all else...
my master. 

I am not submissive due to low self-esteem, nor am I repressed
my master's love and care has granted me true peace and freedom.
Unfettered, I can blossom and grow within the safety and protection his love affords.

With his guidance my boundaries are breached and I rise beyond all imagined heights. Joyous in the knowledge he celebrates my accomplishments. My submission is my offering to him...It is testament to him as a man and my master.

He honors me with the gift of his dominance.
With him I can realize my destined potential...
without him, I cannot be.

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