Sunday, April 7, 2013

OMG my old FC Rp Ceremony with my Master


((Priestess and groom’s party at the alter))
/me invites the bride’s side to come forth to the alter, “Lady, come forth on this joyous day with your escorts and state your intentions to all congregated here.”

(order of arrival)
Erithlee--Maid of Honor
Ke'lena--Slave FG

/me looks to Opal, “Who is this lady at the alter”

OPAL: /me responds,  “It is Lady Opal and her sister Lady Erith.”

/me “And why are you here with your sister, Lady Erith?”

ERITH: /me responds (with joy in her eyes?) “I am Lady Opal’s sister and have brought her here to be united with her betrothed, Xander Moonwing. Our father was unable to make it, but I present to you before all here, our father Mathias Dereham’s scroll.”  She hands the Priestess the scroll and then steps back and sits amongst those congregated her to witness the union.

/me clears her throat and reads the scroll to those present so that there is no doubt about her father’s permission.

/me asks,  “Xander, Lady Opal,”  she pauses, “have you both  bathed to clean away the old and dressed to
begin a new life?”

XANDER: “Yes.”
OPAL: “Yes.”

/me asks, “Are your witnesses present that you wish to attend?”

XANDER: “Yes.”
OPAL: “Yes.”
/me smiles “Then, let us begin.”

“By Oden and Frigg do we call together these two souls; by the light of Baldur and all the ancestors, by Aesir and Vanir, Dvergar and Alfar, Jotun and any Wight, let them come and bless this union!” her voice calls out over the hand fastening party and their guests.

/me ’s attention and gaze now laid on Xander, her tone was true, without bolster or overbearing tone, “Xander Moonwing, you come here in power and wealth as a great Aethling... for what reason have you come?

XANDER: response to why he is here…you may use mine or create your own as a surprise to Opal at the ceremony

/me replies, “ To declare Lady Opal Moonwing as my wealth, my love, and my devotion. To have her guide the intention of my blade for the rest of my days.”

/me inquires of Xander, “ Tell me, as well as those present... do you have someone who will witness your actions this day?”

Xander: “Lando will bear witness for me.”

/me smiles brightly and nods. She turns now to the woman before her, “Lady Opal Dereham, I ask of you the same.... you have come here in power and wealth as a great Aethling; for what reason have you come?

OPAL: /me responds, (response to why she is here…you may use mine or create your own as a surprise to Xander at the ceremony)

“I have come to declare before all of Asgaard, Midgaard and Helheim that I have accepted Xander  as mynn troth luvian and willingly bind myself to him as his companion.”

/me continues to smile at the woman so in love with this man, “And do you have someone who will witness your actions this glorious day?”

OPAL: /me  states,   “Lady Erithlee will bear witness for me.”

/me joyfully calls out to the gods, their ancestors and the parties at the alter and the guests, “And let it be so.. .that these two, Lando and Lady Erithlee are present here to serve as witnesses for each party, as well as those present.”

/me continues, “But these two have a lifelong duty to the Xander and Opal.”  She turns and speaks directly to Lando and Lady Erithlee;  “Do you both  accept the responsibility of upholding the love of these two individuals and safeguarding their happiness and well being so that they may always remember their oaths?"

(Lando) I will
(lady Erithlee): I will

/me  looks between the two nodding, “Then let the Gods above and all around here their declaration of love and union of souls!”

/me looks to  Xander, “do you have your families’ ceremonial dagger wit you today?”

/me turns to Opal, Your family chalice.” she smiles.

/me reaches out, taking it with both hands-... to hold a love... that will never end.“ She turns, placing both on the alter.

/me  turns back, looking out over everyone, “Let these two items be a symbol of man and woman in their union, the tools of power that all hold within that are shared now.”


/me  turns to the table, drawing forth the long dagger, and looks to the bosk. She turns to the congregation; “For all those whom do not wish to be blessed by the sacrifice made today, please turn away...for it is the couples wish that they be blessed in the old ways.”
The Priestess then steps forward to the animal, giving time for those who don’t to step away.

/me  firmly takes knife’s sharp edge to the throat of the beast. A whisper given to the beast, “Your life is given honorably.“

/me draws the blade back, cutting through the main veins of the beasts neck without it fighting back. The creature fell effortlessly to the ground.

/me returns to the alter ceremonial dagger and face the congregation, “Let his beasts blood, warm from its day's rut with many mates, be a symbol of fertility for these two to be united, so that they may bare many children and be shown great blessings by the gods!” 

((replaces the Norse splattering of blood))
/me states, “The couple will share a cup of kalana wine, each drinking from it.” looks to the slave and smiled, “girl, come forth and take this goblet and fill it with the ceremonial wine”

OPAL:  /me caressing the cup lovingly with her hands, holds the cup up for Xander to sip from it. Smiling with admiration and love she waited for him to finish before she would pass the cup for him to hold.

/me takes the chalice from his love, and let his fingers caress hers on the metal. Then with a wink he held the chalice to her lips, so she may drink and truly become his companion in both northern and southern ways of Gor.

/me states, “This shared cup of wine symbolizes the shared vessel that they have made together, both as a home and deep well in their homes.


/me  looks the groom and bride, “Now, the swords.”

OPAL: /me  turns to Erith to retrieve her great grandfather’s sword from her.

XANDER: /me removes my belt with his sword passed down to him from his father and says “I give  this sword to you now, to give to our first son when the time comes.”

OPAL: /me belts it around her waist, carefully as she still held the other one as best she could “ I will hold this sword, cherished for the honor of our first born son.” then offers a sword to Xander and says, “This is my great grandfather's sword. As other steel comes down from father’s to sons, trust in me now my love that this sword, though old, still is strong and shows that through each test, and all of time my love for you will remain just as strong.

/me  smiles between the two, “Let these two weapons, now given to each other, represent your warring souls. May they ever only be drawn in defense of each other and the new life you now share.”

/me smiles,  “Now... for the rings.“ ...a ring... is a continuous circle... without a beginning and without an end…let these rings represent an unending.. and undying love you share for each other... the love that only the two of you can experience... can hold dear to your you have exchanged the tools of which it is necessary to defend your love... the physical representation of your undying love...Let your words now be exchanged... spoken.... to each other and so the gods may hear your voices and declaration.” 

/me looks to Xander, “Present your bride with your ring and vows.”

XANDER: /me smiles, drawing out his new sword, then placing the ring he bought for her upon its hilt.

(Xander’s vows are said here)

XANDER:  /me  takes the ring from his sword hilt and places it on her finger

/me places the ring for Xander upon the hilt of her great grandfather’s blade. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at him. Her gaze, a cool tone of thassa waves glittered in the light of the candles as she began to speak, “Xander, from the moment I have known you, there has been a bond between us. You have captivated me, and stole my heart with just one simple hello. My heart skips a beat when I hear your voice, or see you come walking towards me. I need you to know now, that I promise to give myself whole heartedly to you. That no matter what test we face, we will stand strong, and that I will take no other into my arms, or my heart. You are all that I need, and as I kneel here before you, pledging my undying love. I swear before the Gods, that you are my Sun and Stars, and I will never leave your side.” places the ring upon his finger and looks to him with smile and tears slip down her cheeks as she was full in love.

/me speaks out,  “ Let these oaths be heard by all and know that they are made Sacred by the gods both above and below…” she turns, taking the bottle of mead in hand, and fills the chalice with such. She sets the bottle down and takes the knife.

/me turns back, handing the chalice to the bride, then the knife to the groom. “So a beasts blood was shed for your blessings, so too must you swear these oaths true to the gods in an offering of blood.”

XANDER:  /me takes the ceremonial dagger, taking a deep breath he holds it in one hand, grasping the blade tightly and pulling its sharp edge across his palm, cutting deep, but not dangerously so, and bleeds into the chalice, just a few drops,. He speaks, “So my blood given to our union.”

OPAL  /me passes the chalice to her betrothed as she accepts the dagger. taking the blade and steadies herself, using the sharpened blade to slice her palm, to drop her blood into the chalice. “Xander,  I shed my blood that our oath will be unbreakable, that no man or woman shall come between the love we share. That I put my life in your hands, and my heart to yours. I shall never waiver in all that I am for you.”

/me smiles and takes the dagger from Opal.

Xander:  /me holds the chalice and offering the cup up to her lips.

OPAL: /me drinks from her family’s chalice and then holds it for Xander to drink from.

Xander:  /me smiles and drinks it in turn.

OPAL: turns and offers the Priestess the chalice.

/me  reaches out, taking the chalice from her. She then turns to the alter, offering the vessel to the sky with both hands and an upturned head. “Odin! All-Father! Frigg! Tyr! Witness their oaths and let them be made sacred.”

XANDER: /me draws forth two strips of cloth, handing one to Opal. “Here, my love…for your hand.”

Opal: /me takes the cord he offered and smiled waiting for Theo to bind their hands together

/me ties cords about Xander and Opal’s hands and then speaks, “This offering of blood a sacrifice to your power. By drinking from this chalice, they have sworn that their love cannot be drank from any other vessel. Let there be no room for another.”

/me pours the rest of the mead to the ground, “No love left to be drank from a strangers lips...let no one... interfere with their love.”

/me turns back to the couple and declares, “With these oaths spoken, with these rings and swords given, with these gifts granted, let all know that Xander and Opal be forever bound as one! Hail and Wassail! Release the ravens to return to Odin and share what they have seen!”

/me whispers to the new couple, “You may now kiss and join together as one.”

/me asks,  “Is there anymore gifts, to be exchanged by the new couple? “

OPAL presents gift to Lena here)

/me pours a large horn of mead, “To Odin and his drinking buddy!” she takes a great swallow, passes the horn to Xander…who will in turn pass it to his bride and the rest of the wedding party. “May the feast begin!”

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