Sunday, April 7, 2013

Subbies and Assignments

Written by Sir Hunters Brat

Let me start out by saying....this assignment was an assignment that i chose to hopes that other subs/slaves may read and understand the benefits of their Dom/me giving them assignments. I also hope that new Dom/mes read this and learn the benefits of assignments as well....It is a great learning tool for both.
My first assignment I was given by My Sir...(Sir Hunter) was not an easy assignment...and required many hours of research and many hours of *grumbling*. I was not a happy subbie the night it was given, nor was I as my research went on and I put my first assignment together. But as the research went on,and as I put my assignment together..I gained alot of insight into things I did not know about....a part of our history I did not really know my *grumbling* turned into interest, and I learned something new.
The assignment I was given was the *History/Origin of floggers....and the second part of the assignment was...From past to present...*from pain to pleasure*. The addys are posted at the bottom of this essay for A/any that may wish to read them. The assignment was not easy at all....required alot of thought...alot of research, and a few nights of no sleep and a very very grabby sub when it was done, but the benefit of that assignment was that Sir Hunter saw that I *learned * and not only me..but him as well...and I saw the pride in him when he was complimented on my assignments from others.

I was given 2 parts to the assignment...*grumbled* my way thru parts of part 2, but once again...I learned new things and in the process he learned from me as well. As I write this essay, I will be adding examples of some of the assignments that were given to me, not in detail, but please feel free to ask any questions you may have to either of us at anytime.A/any are welcome to use them. I put this together for that purpose...for A/all to gain knowledge and have a learning tool. Some of the assignments are rather simple and not difficult..but then again not all assignments are designed to be hard and tedious.
*Assignments should not be viewed as a punishment*....they are not at all.....they are an important part of a Dom/me ...sub/slave relationship.

In doing the assignments .....I learned that an idle subbie/ one that will
some where down the road...*get into trouble*...maybe not purposely..but with to much time on her/his tends to get into things.

As a sub..with a Dom...i have found that my time is not idle ever, he always has a task for me to accomplish if it is getting dressed in the morning and going out and cleaning the ice off my car..*smiles* it is his guiding hand in love that makes each task not a chore...but something that he can take pride in and in that pride I take pride in my self.
The car was just a simple example of a task...believe me I *grumbled* the whole time...and he laffed gently at my grumblings...and when i came back in...he gently hugggged me and kissed me and*rubbed my cold hands*.

Sir Hunter makes sure that i am not idle...I am always learning and growing from each assignment given. not always have to be written...but any assignment that is given is*expected* to be followed thru and turned in on the date required.
I find that...for me...the great benefit in the assignments given is not *so much* the learning...but the *smiles of pride* that Sir Hunter has for me when they are read. There is no greater joy than to have your Dom/me praise you for work well done and show their pride telling A/all others about the assignment that you sent.

Some assignments are for learning purposes...on both parts, some are also learning just for you...but are sexual in nature...and push a *limit* that your Dom/me knows about.I have found in my assignments given, that they were given in love and caring, but also that they were *pushing a limit*...most small limits...but still a limit ...all meant to bring our bond together stronger and the connection that we share more and more a part of the *two* of us.

With every assignment given...I learn a new part of myself...the woman I am inside...what I am willing to give to My Sir...totally and completely....a chance to venture into new experiences knowing that in those there is never any harm and that My Sir will never give an assignment that he knows is not possible for me to complete. It is not always possible to get them to him as expected, but any *true* Dom/me knows that our real lives get in the way....some have*so many things can come between that*, and understanding is most important to their sub/slave that if it could have been done on time it would have. 

With out the assignments that Sir Hunter gives to me... I do not think that we would have grown and developed a deeper commitment or bond than that we have now. My assignments are not a daily thing given...but they are on a regular that I am never idle for long, and a *true* Dom/me will not make them a daily routine...even though He/She may require that His/Her ...sub/slave....keep a daily journal of feelings and events or was not something that was asked of me. Sir Hunter and I are inconstant communication everyday, and, we both believe in discussing our evenings or days when we are together...and...anything else that may occur in the time that we are not together I will always leave a message or an email for him.

 Assignments are such an important part of the relationship...not just for a sub/slave, but for the Dom/me as well. Its gives both a chance to learn from each other...grow from each...but from me as a sub..My assignments show a depth to me that is very personal.. a way to show My Sir what is inside of me...a way to show that I learn and am learning from him each and every time I have to write one.
It shows your committment..your Him/Her. When I write my assignments now...and at times they are later than was asked..i know that with each one...there is pride in My Sir...something new that we both get to share together, a new venture into another day. Ails know that My Sir has patience when they are given in the evening instead of the am...because he knows in *His Heart* that my assignments come from *my heart*.

Do not ever think that the assignments that you Dom/me gives to you are a punishment of any kind...*look* at them as a tool.....if your Dom/me did not truly care about you and how you feel..or want to know all there is to know about you inside and out...He/She would not take the time to think of these assignments. *Smiles*...Remember one thing....your Dom/me has to think of the assignments that are given to you. Its food for thought the next time you sit down and start to write your assignment.

To My Sir Hunter: I have learned so much from you...and i am thankful for everyday that we have and that we share the learning and growing together. I hope to always make you proud..even though my assignments may be in the know that they come from *My Soul* and they are the very depth of me that i gave to you. Thank you My Sir...for bringing ventures in my life that I never had and thank you for the tender loving care you give to me each and everyday.
Yours always and forever.... Your baby brat

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