Sunday, April 14, 2013

Journal 15 - Here comes good bye

April 13th 2013

So today I was on my face book. (NO I won’t link it). My mother was talking to me while we were watching a video that was hilarious. (If you are lucky, I might link that.) Anyways, I was forwarding it on to my friends and my mom said I should send it to my sister. I usually don’t send her anything because she never talks to me. In two years, it’s only been hello, how are you? Then the phone is passed to my mom as I say, I love you sis. So I decided why not.

As I went to forward it, I couldn’t locate her name on my face book when I did the @Your name here. So I thought, well she is getting married maybe she changed her face book name already. When I went to look, come to find out she had removed me. Now my mother explained to me that my sister is jealous of me, because she feels I stole my mom, and her life? I have no idea how, since my mom has four kids, and I had no choice but to move back in, due to a situation that happened caused by domestic violence where I was living at the time.

She is jealous over nothing? I love my little sister, but I won’t take this either. She doesn’t want to be a part of my life. It breaks my heart. I have cried many times over this. I don’t know what it is that has made her hate me so badly. So now I am at a crossroads. Do I just sit here and wait for her to decide when she wants me back in her life, or move on and just say fine. You made your choice, and burned that bridge? I was told family is everything, but when does this love begin turning into emotional abuse? I don’t tolerate abuse of any kind, even if it’s from family!

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