Monday, April 8, 2013

Journal 4 - Heat

March 22nd 2013

It is so hot right now. I am so sick of this weather. I really believe that moving to Florida was the biggest mistake of my life. Now I will be stuck here until I can save up enough money to find a new state to live in. What possessed me to move here to begin with is beyond me.  Other than that I am just bored. We started a slavers house in Second life. It’s alright, aside from the fact I do not want to train slaves.  I guess I will get over it. I kind of want a break from gor to be honest to explore other things. I am just worried that my Master will get bored.

I have been getting back into my research of petitions as well. Seems I have been slacking in every area of my life. Mostly my spiritual stuff. I feel so empty. It is hard to have faith, in my faith when every time I try too, I hear how evil I am. Like seriously, I haven’t hurt anyone, and I am evil? That makes no sense!

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