Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Journal 9 - SHOPPING!!!!

April 1st 2013

So I went out with my family today. We went shopping which was rather traumatic. I hate shopping for myself because all the bad memories come up. My dads voice sings in my head over and over again of how unpretty I am, or that I wont ever amount to anything because I am not a twig. After my mental break down, I finally found some stuff to buy which made me feel a little better. 

Then we went to lunch and a movie. We watched The Host. It was better than I thought it was going to be. The story is unique, but it was a little twilightish. I got to come home and spend time talking to my Master which was amazing. I was however 30 minutes late for my class. Though I was happy to get to the parts that I was able too. I am really enjoying my classes.

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