Monday, April 15, 2013

Journal 16 - AoA

April 15th 2013

Started at the AoA today. Went to a class on begging, and it was very interesting. I will post the chat conversation below. I had my interview with the first girl of the academy, and my Master will speak with the head slaver tomorrow afternoon about becoming a slaver and joining the house tomorrow.

I was rather nervous when I first came into my interview. Thankfully my Master was there. It made it much easier, and I felt safer. I got to meet adira, and her Master Alduras. They gave me the overview of the courses, what is to be expected, and such. I also lost my slave name for a week for training purposes. *pouts*

So for the next 7 days I will be known as Nameless at the academy until I may beg a name for myself. Or at least beg my name back. I am very excited about this course online. They offer classes in real life for a small fee. You go and live there and do the training. I am really interested in it. Just a little scared to experience such a thing. Maybe if I went with friends?

Overall a great day for me. I leave in 5 days to travel, so I am really nervous about that. Not sure how much time I will get online either, but at least I can call my Master. 


adira:  *adira looks around and sees the first girls arriving* Greetings! *she says with a soft smile*
Me:  -smiles and waves to Adira, and then her besty- "Tal Kajirae" she then looked around, unsure where to kneel or sit-
Alduras has joined the chatroom
Alduras:  Greetings girls!
adira:  *adira bows humlby towards her Master and speaks in a soft tone* "Greetings my Master"
adira:  oh changing the color is a good idea!
adira:  much better
SIlaina:  Tal Master
adira:  yellow is an instructor color *grins*
Me:  -kneeled softly on the ground, humbly displaying her beauty - Tal Master
Me:  Master, is my Master permitted to come here and watch what is going on for training?
Alduras:  The AoA classes are free for all, which are interested to join
Me:  Thank you, Master
elvira {M} has joined the chatroom
Kris has joined the chatroom
adira:  *adira smiles to the approaching Master* Tal Master *she says softly*
adira:  *adira waves to elvira*
Kris:  Tal all and good morning. Apologies for being late :/
elvira:  greetings to all masters and girls
Me:  -grins happily and crawled sensually over to her Master. There she knelt at his feet, arching her back more and straightening her posture. Her thighs parted widely apart, before she placed her arms on her thighs, "Tal my Master" she whispered before leaning forward and kissing his boots tenderly
SIlaina:  * smiles * Tal Master !
Alduras:  Greetings Sir Kris!
Me:  Greetings, elvira
Kris:  -Smiles down at his girl reaching a hand out to softly caress the hair of Deka- Tal mine
adira:  *me looks at SIlaina* your text color is not so good readable, maybe change it to a lighter one
SIlaina:  i changed it * smiles 8
adira:  better *winks*
adira:  maybe some apologies in the beginning:
adira:  we are going to work on this chatrooms, at the moment the pop out is not possible
adira:  for the next class this will be possible again so you can move the window and also make it bigger
Me:  Wonderful, thank you
adira:  today we have to work with this little chat window, I hope this would work
kim has joined the chatroom
Myst has joined the chatroom
Me:  Tal Master
Alduras:  Greetings Sir Myst!
adira:  *smiles to the Master and the lovely kajira kim* Tal Master!
Me:  greetings kim
mileah has joined the chatroom
SIlaina:  * smiles brightly seeing her Master , drawing in a deep breath , she crawled her way over to him before settling down on her knees her thighs parting as her back arched slightly * Tal my Master
Myst:  Greetings Alduras
kim:  Tal Master
Kris:  Need to afk a few to let my dog out. So brb
Me:  greetings mileah
adira:  greetings mileah! well it seems it's time to start! My Master, may this girl start teaching?
Alduras:  Yes, adira you have my permission to start the class
adira:  thank you my Master
adira:  Tal everybody and welcome to an AoA class about ***BEGGING***
adira:  My Master has given me the name adira. Before we begin some rules:
adira:  Once class begins, all greetings should cease to avoid interrupting class. This is to keep the flow of the information constant for students in attendance. If you need to go away for a moment, please do so silently and post just "brb" and return quietly as well, saying "back". If you need to leave before class is dismissed, please slip out quietly without disturbing the class.
adira:  In the beginning you will show attendance by "raising a hand" with typing a @. Also you use @ in chat, if you have questions. All questions will be answered in the order they are received and please be patient, Please do not post them in open chat until that time. No question is seen as 'dumb' and please be prepared to think about the class and don't be afraid to participate by asking questions. It is my role to support you, so if you aren't sure, ask. If a question is asked that I cannot answer, I will gladly look up the answer for you, after class, and get back to you soon as possible.
adira:  =========================
adira:  Okay, you might ask why shall we beg? Isn't it enough, that we obey? You might say our duties are absolute obedience and exquisite beauty, but begging?
adira:  Any ideas why we slaves beg?
Me:  @
adira:  Deka!
Me:  We beg, because it is not our place to speak our wants. As slaves, we have only one want, and that is to please the free. So when we need to be touched, or fed, or desire to dance or do anything at all, we beg. It is a sign of submission, humbleness, and as far as I know, my Master enjoys it when I beg......done
adira:  excellent answer!
adira:  Before we learn the steps how to beg, it is so very important to understand the reason why we do begging. And not even to understand is important, we NEED to feel it in our belly and heart and soul!
adira:  Please dive into some quotes and get the feeling of your slavery.
adira:  “The free woman,” I said, “lies down, and waits to see what will happen. The female slave kneels beside her master, and begs to please him. The free woman deems it sufficient that she should exist, the slave girl, on the other hand, is expected not only to exist, but to excel; indeed, she fears only, commonly, that she may not be sufficiently marvelous for her master. It is little wonder that most men find the free woman, in her inertness, her ignorance and arrogance, boring. It is little wonder that most men prefer to order her rival to their furs, the helpless, collared, curvaceous, lascivious, feminine slave.”
Savages of Gor  pg(s) 196-197
adira:  You are expected to be most pleasing all the time. You even beg to be found pleasing. Your deepest wish is to be pleasing!
adira:  "Remember you are no longer a woman of Earth now. More leg extension. That is behind you. You are now only a Gorean slave. Good. You are not even a person any longer. You are now only a lascivious animal that exists for the pleasure of men. Only an animal. Do not forget it. But an incredibly desirable animal. , Lift your hand more piteously. Good. The most desirable form of animal in existence, the female slave. That expression, improve it. Let it show that you beg a man for his touch. Do you beg a man for his touch?" "You," she cried, suddenly. "I do!" "Use the chain," I said. "It is on your neck. Use it! Use it in this mat dance." "Dance?" she wept. "Yes, I said, "you can consider it a dance. You can treat it as a dance. You are writhing for a master, pausing now and then to startle him with your beauty, on your chain. There is even music here. Feel it in your belly. Deep in your belly! Deeper! Yes! Yes!"
Mercenaries of Gor  pg(s) 369-370
adira:  Imagine you are a slave, an animal!
adira:  The Lady Yanina looked at me, and smiled. She put the piece of crust in her mouth and nibbled on it, slowly. “Let her wait,” she said. “She is a slave. Slaves are nothing.”
Players of Gor  pg(s) 220
adira:  You might say, we are still human. Maybe we have had a bad day or we don't feel well. What do you think, may we expect understanding of the Free, if we are in bad mood?
Me:  @
SIlaina:  @
adira:  yes Deka?
Me:  We are not permitted bad days, granted everyone has them, and often times if I beg to speak to my Master he might if it pleased him hear me, and my feelings but that is his choice. I may have a bad day, but I am not permitted to act in such a way that my Master finds me displeasing........done
SIlaina:  as a slave girl we are not permitted to expect anything from our Master , or any free person for that mater , we are human yes , but it is our job to be seen as pleasing at all times , being in a bad mood is not pleasing. I can of corse beg for my Master , to listen to my thoughts and feelings but ofcouse that is his choise to listen and hold them into account
adira:  yes! excellent!
Alduras has left the chatroom
adira:  “beg,” I said.
“I am not in the mood,” she cried.
I laughed. How amusing are free women! Slaves learn to be in the “mood” instantaneously, at so little as a glance or a snapping of the fingers, and a pointing to the floor.
Renegades of Gor  pg(s) 146
Alduras has joined the chatroom
adira:  exactly, of course we are no robots but we can definitely expect nothing from the Free, it's the other way around: we are expected to obey!
adira:  For what can we beg? Don't just say for anything, more precisely please!
Me:  @
adira:  Deka!
Me:  We can beg to beg to fed
Me:  beg to be fed*
adira:  yes! any other idea?
adira:  *** BEGGING TO BE FED ***
“Feed me, Master,” she begs. “Feed me!”
(Tribesmen of Gor, pages 48)
Me:  @
adira:  pages 48*
adira:  yes Deka?
Me:  We can beg to be touched
adira:  excellent!
adira:  *** BEGGING TO BE TOUCHED ***
 "I crawl to my Master on my belly" she said, "and beg for his touch."
    I smiled.
    I, a guest in the tent, now stood to her, of course, as her Master. Such girls come with the price of the lodging.
Beasts of Gor  pg(s) 80
SIlaina:  @
adira:  SIlaina!
SIlaina:  We can beg to be used
Me:  @
adira:  yes! yes!
adira:  *** BEGGING FOR SEX ***
There are many ways in which a female slave can beg for sex, for example, the bondage knot, offering the master wine, holding up to him fruit, next to her body, kneeling, licking, kissing, and so on. Many times too she must beg explicitly.
Vagabonds of Gor  pg(s) 286-287
adira:  *grins*
adira:  Deka!
Me:  We may beg for forgiveness
adira:  of course!
adira:  forgiveness... or even for punishment!
 "Do you beg now to be punished?" he asked.
    "Yes, Master," I said. "I beg to be punished."
Slave Girl of Gorpg(s) 435-438
SIlaina:  @
adira:  SIlaina?
Me:  @
SIlaina:  we beg to serve to be of service
adira:  yes great!
adira:  Deka again?
Me:  We may beg for clothing
SIlaina:  @
Me:  @
adira:  yes! very well! So you can find a lot more... of course *grins*
adira:  We can even be forced to beg!
adira:  *** FORCED BEGGING ***
    “Do you beg to be whipped?” she asked.
    “No, Mistress!” wept the girl on her belly at the ring.
    “beg!” cried the Lady Florence.
    “I beg to be whipped, Mistress,” she wept.
Fighting Slave of Gor  pg(s) 285
adira:  SIlaina and Deka you have a question or more ideas?
Me:  another begging idea, adira
adira:  grins, okay one more then *winks*
SIlaina:  no questions but yes do have an idea
Me:  We may beg to be protected
SIlaina:  we may beg for a collar
adira:  hehe indeed!
Myst:  excuse me all i must head to work have fun learning
adira:  and also important:
adira:  I wish you well Master
 'It is common,' I said, `for a slave to request permission to speak.'
    'Forgive me, Masters!' she wept. 'You are men! You are men! A slave begs forgiveness!'
Magicians of Gor  pg(s) 226
adira:  Okay, now you have an impression, why we slaves need to beg. Wo have no rights, we own nothing, we ARE owned. Nothing is granted certainly. If you understand this and you have the feeling now, we can go and learn HOW to beg.
Myst has left the chatroom
adira:  You know, that everything depends on the whim of the Master, so before you start, think about the very first impression you give. Think about your appearance, how do you feel? Are you scared, excited, sad? Imagine you give a bored impression or another way, which does not please, how could you even hope your wish would be granted?
adira:  First you need to approach to the Free, you want to beg for something. If you are already in the Free's presence you can certainly skip that approaching step and continue with the begging position
adira:  *** APPROACHING***
adira:  If you are not yet in the presence of the Free, you should think about how you approach. Remember: be very pleasing all the time! In this case YOU want to beg for something, so don't just bother the Free with your concerns, but beg already to approach. If you beg to approach, the Free can already imagine, that you want to beg for something.
adira:  Don't forget, that even approaching can be denied. In this case you have to try again another time and then work hard to be even more pleasing!
adira:  of course this depends on your Owner - each Master is different!
adira:  !!----------Time to practice!----------!!
adira:  Imagine the following situation: You are nameless and naked and you have to sleep outside chained on a pillar. Also you address all other slaves of the HoA as Mistress. You have worked hard to be pleasing and you want to beg now for a number or a name and for some slave rags. You know by this you would be permitted to sleep inside in the slave cages. The first girl just told you, where you can find the Slaver... now you enter the room, where the slaver is.
adira:  (this is a situation of the local academy here by the way)
adira:  Imagine the situation and describe now your feelings and how you would beg to approach now! You have 5 minutes to write your describtions and words you would use! If you are ready give a sign by posting a @!
Me:  @
adira:  Deka! *smiles*
Me:  -nervously entered the room. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she scanned to locate the slaver. She moved slowly, unsure of herself but she managed to straighten her posture to appear more beautiful. Tiny steps brought her gracefully closer to him. She paused, a few steps behind and moving down to her knees, she leaned forward, her head kissing the soft furs upon which he stood. His shadow casted down her body as she stretched her arms. Trembling hands pushed their fingers forward, and she whispered, “Tal Master” she swallowed the fear in her throat before she once again spoke, and said “May a humble slave approach, Master?”
adira:  very good Deka!
adira:  of course for all those of you, who have some roleplay experience, are used to describe, if you are not used to that, don't worry, just try to imgine the situation and say what you would do and feel
SIlaina:  @
adira:  SIlaina!
SIlaina:  * draws in a deep breath as she stands in the door way of the room her eyes drifting across the slaver , before with out words , drops to her knees her thighs spreed wide before she slowly lowered her self to the floor ,her forhead pressed to the cold stone of the floor as she streached her arms out in front of her her palms resting down on the floor " May this slave please Master may she approach ? " she asked a knot growing in her throat her heart raceing as she waited for an answer
adira:  wonderful!
adira:  any other still writing?
kim:  @
adira:  kim!
kim:  this girl would be nervous with head down and would kneel in submission and request to beg.
adira:  yes! nice! show that you understand it's not certain! excellent!
adira:  an example by adira *grins*
adira:  adira is nervous, her heart races, her little hands sweated, she breathes deeply when she enters the slaver's office. She can see the light shining through the door, she can see the slaver reading a scroll, he might be busy? adira stops at the door, where she is perceivable, there she slides down on her knees, presses her knees close together, her back is held beautiful straight and her head up, she lowers her eyes to the ground, before she speaks in a soft lovely voice "Master, may this girl please approach?"
adira:  now...
adira:  *** BEGGING POSITION ***
adira:  Okay now you have permission to approach OR you are already in Masters presence, you would need to go into a proper begging position. What positions do you know are proper to beg?
adira:  we cover positions in another class, if you don't know, just describe how you wold appear?
Me:  @
adira:  Deka?
Me:  Obeisance - Kneeling with your thighs open widely, and you lay forward, your head to the floor, arms stretched before you on the ground.
adira:  yes!
adira:  this is also called "First Obeisance"
adira:  any other?
adira:  well imagine if you beg, it should look humble, always good to face the floor
adira:  beside frist obeisance (you can guess) is a second obeisance, any idea what is the difference?
Me:  @
adira:  it's belly! you lay flat on the floor on your belly!
adira:  Deka?
Me:  I have never known there was different levels of Obeisance.
adira:  grins, you are here to learn something more *winks*
adira:  In first obeisance position, often assumed by a slave in the presence of a free man, she kneels with her head to the ground, and the palms of her hands down on the ground on either side of her head.
Swordsmen of Gor Page 195
adira:  "First obeisance position," snapped Barzak. "Beg his forgiveness!"
Instantly Ellen went to the first obeisance position, head down, palms of her hands on the cement. "Please forgive me, Master," she begged, frightened.
"Kneel up, first position," said Barzak.
Ellen went to first position, with all its revelatory delights.
Prize of Gor Page 255
adira:  "Second obeisance position," he said.
Ellen went prone, before him, her hands at the sides of her head.
Prize of Gor Page 191
adira:  beside obeisance you can also use bara and kneel to the whip for begging. Who don't know those positions?
kim:  @
adira:  ohh and of course!!! You can use any position you learn by your Owner or your Owner prefers!
adira:  "Kneel to the whip!" I cried. Terrified the girl scrambled to her knees and knelt down, making herself small, her head to the furs. Her wrists were crossed under her, as though bound. She trembled. Rogue of Gor p 21
adira:  "Bara," said Mincon to Tula. "Bara," said I to Feiqa. Both slaves went immediately to their bellies, their heads to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position. Mercenaries of Gor p 145
adira:  in all those examples, your head is down, facing the floor
adira:  You are granted to approach now, does it mean you could beg right away? No! You still need permission to speak. Be humble. Be pleasing! Now as you are permitted to approach, you need in the second step to beg permission to speak.
adira:  this - of course - is different with different Masters
adira:  please beg your Owner to tell you what he prefers, we teach the "safe" way, so better to beg for every single step, as a slave has no rights at all
adira:  Describe now how you assume your begging position. Again 5 minutes and give me a sign when finished!
adira:  kim, I hope you can imagine one of those positions?
kim:  yes thank you
adira:  great!
Me:  @
adira:  Deka!
Me:  -hearing him grant permission to approach she just crawled sensually closer to him. From there she parted her thighs widely, and leaned forward near his boots. While her knees are bent she leaned forward, belly and chest touching the floor. She kept her eyes before her, looking down as she stretched her arms. Each hand was before her palms touching the coolness of the wood. She turned her to the side just enough to whisper, “A humble slave begs permission to speak, Master"
adira:  nice description! good job Deka!
Nameless has joined the chatroom
adira:  greetings nameless! please sit and listen!
Nameless:  Yes Miss
kim:  @
adira:  kim!
kim:  this girl would kneel to the whip making herself small and cheek to the ground
SIlaina:  @
adira:  great and would you remain silent?
kim:  this girl would beg to speak'
adira:  yes exactly! And who would you beg?
adira:  how*
kim:  may this slave have permission to speak?
adira:  Yes!! Wonderful
adira:  now SIliana!
SIlaina:  crawling forward from the door way as she was granted permssion to approach she would stop a few paces to his side , she shifting to her knees as they would slowly part open her body slowly slinking to the ground , her chest and belly resting on the ground as her arms streached out over her head , her forhead resting on the ground as well , drawing in a breath she would speek softly " Master please my this slave Speek ?
adira:  that is also very nice!
adira:  my example:
adira:  adira feels joy as Master permit to approach, a soft smile appears on her lovely face, thankful she crawls on her four towards the Master, feeling his eyes on her naked slave flesh, moving slowly as she wants to please even with every movement, then next to Masters feet she brings her upper body deeply down, placing her forehead on the floor, close to the slaver's boots, each hand besides her head, then she speaks again in a sweet voice "Master, this girl humbly begs permission to speak"
adira:  > STEP 3: BEGGING <
adira:  Let's hope you got permission to bring your beg to the Master. A question: how long shall a slave wait, until Master replies?
Me:  @
adira:  Deka!
Me:  I have been taught you ask once, then wait a few minutes, about 5 I suppose. Then you ask again. If you dont get a response 5 minutes after the second question, than you are to excuse yourself and leave the Master be.
adira:  have you been taught this in roleplay envirement or for real life? Imagine you kneel before your Master! He cannot crash or be away from keaboard
Me:  I was taught to do this for both, by an old Master. For both RP and when I was in his presence >.<
adira:  okay, it's of course your Master that you have to follow. But generally, you are a slave and If Master wishes, you will wait until you are famished! You have to wait patiently! You got permission to approach, so it's now on you to wait. You can be sure, if you show impatience, your beg will not be granted!
adira:  try to imagine all here for a real life situation, as we teach primary gorean lifestyle *winks*
adira:  Any idea what you can do, if nothing happens?
adira:  maybe after those 5 minutes *hehe*
adira:  no idea? Well you are there to beg for something. Probably you won't have to wait as Master already permitted to approach, but in case... what could you do?
adira:  well one idea: You can move slowly your head towards Masters boot and kiss his boots or lick them.
adira:  Of course Master might kick you away, but usually this pleases men. You can drop your body from first obeisance into second obeisance, as you go on your belly, to show your devotion.
adira:  You can even cross your wrists, but you should never go the other way around. Once your wrists or ankles are crossed, you stay in this position. If your head touches Masters boots, don't move backwards, but keep kissing his boots.
adira:  questions so far?
adira:  *claps in her hands* are you still awake?
SIlaina:  yes no questions here
Nameless:  /me nods
Me:  yes, I have no questions adira
kim:  :)
adira:  good *smiles*
adira:  Now your actual beg. You got permission to approach and to speak, but that doesn't mean anything yet. Whatever you beg for, you must earn it. Don't expect anything, remember what you are:
adira:  You are now only a lascivious animal that exists for the pleasure of men. Only an animal. Do not forget it. But an incredibly desirable animal. (Mercenaries of Gor) *winks*
adira:  Think about, what you plan to say. Be humble. You can use "slave speech" to show you are a helpless and humble slave girl.
adira:  what is slave speech?
SIlaina:  @
adira:  yes SIlaina?
SIlaina:  slave speech is speaking in the third person , such as , this girl , or this one
adira:  yes exactly!
adira:  !!----------Your turn to practice----------!!
adira:  5 minutes to write your next emote, let me know why you think you deserved a name, how do you bring your desire to the Master, how does your voice sound? Be humble! Be pleasing!
Me:  @
adira:  Deka!
Me:  -waited a moment until the Master gave her permission. She smiled more when he spoke, and then taking a breath she crossed her wrists before her, wanting to be more pleasing, and beautiful at his feet. Her breathing was as calm as she could make it, though her heart raced in her chest. She spoke up, proudly of course, but in a melodic soft tone, “A humble nameless beast who desires nothing in this world but to serve you, and please you, and all men Master begs to be named. Please Master, if it pleases you!” then she moved a little closer and began to kiss and lick his boots lovingly, hoping to show her devotion to him.
adira:  yes that is excellent!
kim:  @
adira:  yes kim?
kim:  This girl will imagine her self a flirtatious cat on all fours and purring out her beg. Master this girl wants nothing more to please you this girl wishes it makes you happy to label this girl... rubbing face up and down boot.
adira:  yesss exactly! well done kim!
SIlaina:  @
adira:  SILaina! Show us your beg!
SIlaina:  * her heart rased in her chest as she knelt at the Masters feet , her eyes closed as her body trembled beside him , fingers pressing to the ground as her body stayed layed apone it , hearing his words as they rang in her ears , giveing her permission to beg , her words would carefuly run threw her mind before her lips would part to speek " please Master, this girl humbly begs for a name....... she desires nothing , other then to serve and please men " she draws in a breath , her body trembleing as she spoke softly moveing to place her lips on top of his boot in a soft kiss " Please Master this girl begs , if it is to please you , to be named "
adira:  yes yes yes! Excellent girls!
Nameless:  nameless slowly drops to to her knees head bowed slightly but eyes forward, a begging look left in her eyes as she crawled toward Master. As she approached she smiled lightly allowing her body to sway fully into each movement. The girl came to stop just before his feet, bowing before him with arms folded across her chest then leaning forward to grovel at his feet, her eyes fixed upward yet avoiding eye contact as she had been taught, when given permission to speak, this kajira would speak softly, a hint of seduction in her tone, "Master, this girl humbly asks that You might grant her a name out of Your grace, and Your humble servant will as always obey Your every command and worship You in gratitude for allowing her to serv e. This girl knows she is not deserving, but she knows her Master to be good and she honors Him as such so she begs You might grant her this humble request."
adira:  wonderful nameless! Well you missed our first steps *grins* but very well included the beg for permission to speak! Excellent!
adira:  adira notices Masters deep voice and she feels every word vibrating her belly, she so helpless and humble kneeling before the strong Master, her mouth touching his boots, lifts now very little her head to speak with a submissive voice, softly and clearly "Master, this girl lays to your feet and she knows, she is nothing but a slave, this naked and nameless beast kneels now humble before you and she hopes she was pleasing enough to earn a number and if it pleases you, Master too some slave rags. Please Master, this slave begs you to name her, Master. the nameless naked animal begs you Master! Please!"
adira:  > STEP 4: THANK THE MASTER <
adira:  Great! That is done! What now? Jump up and leave?
adira:  chuckles
adira:  Not at all! You are still in the presence of the Master. Even Master granted your beg, you are not dismissed. Wait until the Master dismisses you! Expect, that your beg might be denied! Both answers are possible. Maybe you were not pleasing enough? Maybe your beg wasn't convincing enough. Maybe Master was just not in the mood to grant you anything. Whatever, be thankful and respect Masters decision! You may try again another time. But be still pleasing! You can be whipped if you are not pleasing anytime!
adira:  !!----------Your last step----------!!
adira:  Reply now to Masters answer. Master dismisses you. First version Master granted your wish and gave you a number and the permission to wear rags. Thank him and remember that everything what is given to you, can be taken away anytime! Nothing is certain! The alternative second answer is, Master did not grant your beg and sent you away to be more pleasing!
adira:  Describe both version! Just post when finished!
Nameless:  The girl smiles warmly a look of gratitude filling her eyes as Master spoke his wish for her to be named with a number, she leaned down softly kissing each of His boots. Slowly she unfolded her arms and extended her body before him, crossing her arms before her and ankles beneath her. "Thank You Master for granting this girls request, she knows You to be both kind and wise and is ever grateful just to be allowed in Your service"
(remains waiting to be spoken to or dismissed")
This girl would nod and trust in Masters wisdom, crossing her arms and bowing her head smiling for him and pushing her chest outward lightly as she spoke softly, "Thank You for hearing this girls request Master, and allowing her to taake a moment of Your time to hear it"
(remains waiting to be spoken to or dismissed")
Me:  @
adira:  good job nameless!!!
adira:  yes Deka
Me:  -whimpered happily when Master granted her request. She kissed his boots more fervently, as tears filled her eyes. She felt more of her slavery upon her. She would whisper more, “thank you Master, thank you so much. Your girl is truly humbled and honored, thank you, Master” then as he excused her from his presence she crawled back a little bit and then said again, “Thank you Master, I wish you well” she rose to her feet, and turning sensually walked out of the room, swaying her hips for his viewing pleasure, a light skip since her nervousness was passing.

-continued to lick and kiss his boots, even though he told her no. She felt tears swelling, she hadn’t been pleasing enough to earn a name. She still continued kissing his boots to placate him, before she said, “Thank you, Master for allowing a humble nameless slut to be in your presence and to speak to you” she swallowed hard and kissed some more, “She begs forgiveness for not pleasing you, Master” she felt a knot in her belly, as fear crept over her, she wasn’t pleasing and she knew in a moment or two she would beg to be punished for such. Feeling him tap her with his foot, and watching him motion for her to leave, she moved back quickly, “Thank you again Master, for allowing a beast to speak to you” then she rose to her feet and turned heading out of the room, to find things she could do to prove her worth.
adira:  very well done Deka! Yes you all got the point! Being humble and thankful in either cases!!!! Excellent
kim has left the chatroom
Me:  brb
adira:  *nods*
SIlaina:  @
adira:  SIlaina!
SIlaina:  * her body relaxed as she heard the Masters words as he answered her , she would kiss his boot in responce a few times softly in thanks for being kind enough to grant her a name and rags to wear " thank you Master , for showing favor on this girl and granting her with a name and rags to cover her body with " as she was dismissed she slowly pull her self from the the floor and up to her feet , she turning quickly to leave the room and tend to her duitys once more.

* eyes would clinch shut for a few moments , hearing the Masters words as she was denined her beg in requesting a name , her body trembled for a few moments before she spoke " please forgive this worthless slut , she will remember to work harder to be found more pleaseing from now on ........ thank you Master for your time " she say drawing in a breath as she had contuned to speek softly , she quickly pulling her self to her feet as she was dismissed , turning and heading out the door to tend to duitys once more
adira:  excellent!! Yes that is great, and if I was the Master I would consider to grant you the beg even I said first no, just because of your humbleness!
adira:  Now you are prepared to beg. Remember to get the feeling before you beg. One can feel it! We are open books as slaves! Our eyes tell everything!
adira:  Get the feeling and then beg. Your entire slave life depends on the ability to beg!
adira:  Questions?
Nameless:  No questions Miss
SIlaina:  none here
adira:  great! so if you have any questions later, you can send me a message any time!
adira:  this concludes the class for today!
SIlaina:  thank you
adira:  my Master, may I dismiss the class?
Alduras:  Yes, my girl, you are allowed!
adira:  Class dismissed! Any student who needs the class graded, raise you hands now!
adira:  Thank you for attending this class!
Nameless:  Thank You Master for this class, Thank You Mistress for teaching it.
adira:  Deka and SIlaina, you can get this class graded even you are not yet enrolled
SIlaina:  yay !
Nameless:  This girl raises her hand
adira:  but we need to get you enrolled as soon as possible *winks*
SIlaina:  nods a few times " yes yes yes
adira:  yes nameless, we have to repeat the first part what you have missed! You need to attend a full class to get graded
Nameless:  Yes Miss, girl understands, she apoligizes profusly for her lateness
SIlaina:  raises her hand and raises her afk best friends hand as well
adira:  *makes some notices* excellent!
SIlaina:  also known as deka :P
adira:  SIliana, I need to get you connected on skype
SIlaina:  i can private message you or have deka sent it to you when she returns
adira:  add my account to your contacts: slavegirl_adira
adira:  I hope kim didn't leave for it was too boring :o
Nameless:  By Your leave then Miss, the other world calls :)
SIlaina:  been added and i dont see how this was boring
adira:  Farewell nameless!
Nameless has left the chatroom
adira:  I wish you well Masters, also kajirae!
Alduras:  I wish you well Sir Kris and also to you girls!
SIlaina:  thank you Master safe paths