Saturday, June 1, 2013


And this is just one glimpse to why I love him so much

[06:09] Aesa:  I love you
[06:09] My Master:  and i you
[06:09] Aesa:  I am dancing for no one today but you
[06:29] My Master:  Wren was good
[06:29] My Master:  But you
[06:29] My Master:  YOU
[06:30] My Master:  MURDERED IT
[06:30] My Master:  :D
[06:30] Aesa:  blushes
[06:30] Aesa:  Thank you, My Master
[06:30] My Master:  I love you mine.
[06:30] My Master:  You will never be called a cooking pot girl
 [06:30] My Master:  not after this
[06:30] Aesa:  I love you so much, My Master
[06:30] Aesa:  I am in tears
[06:30] Aesa:  Thank you so much My Master
[06:32] Aesa:  I just want you to know that I am not holding back. I am yours, every part of me. The pain, the fears, the insecurities. The joy, the laughter, the love. I want to share all of my heart with you, and you will never have to worry about my devotion or loyalty. I really mean it My Master: . You are my happiness, my world, my everything.

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