Thursday, May 30, 2013

Things to do as a gorean slave girl

Strive for Perfection

"We do not choose our Masters nor is it up to us, whether or not we will please them, or to what degree. We must strive be perfection all ways, for anyone. that is part of what is to be a slave. In reconciling myself to bondage I had, also, to reconcile myself to this condition, it is a part of bondage. It is something which the slave must accept. Without it there can be no true slavery. I had accepted this condition, at least theoretically, verbally acknowledging its incumbency on me, in my training. somehow, interestingly, this acceptance too, seemed liberating to me, it made my bondage much more real to me. Too, interestingly, in its way, it also made it seem much more precious to me."

Page 92 - Dancer of Gor

"It is almost impossible for a girl to keep her thoughts or feelings from her master. He knows her too well. Most girls are extremely responsive to their masters, and love them deeply, with that incredible love which can be known only by an enslaved woman, that love which a woman can accord only to a man who is her total master. Yet I would be remiss did I not mention that even the most vital, animate slave, delightedly conversing with her master, knows that at a mere snap of his fingers she may have to tear aside her garments and serve him as a chain slut. She is owned. Too, many slave girls are kept by men who are harsh and cold to them, who despise them as mere slaves. These girls, too, of course, must obey. They, too, of course, must perform perfectly for their masters."

Page 99 - Fighting Slave of Gor

Be Fully Pleasing

"But I knew, looking down at those faces, that if any of them owned me, I would have to be fully pleasing to them. I would have to bend all of my efforts, and all of my beauty, my charm, my grace, my knowledge, my intelligence, my tact, everything that I was, and could hope be, to that end. I would have to be to them, and perfectly, a pleasure slave. And what horrified me most, I think, was that I wanted this. I wanted to serve men, and give them pleasure, to be precious to them, to be loved and appreciated, to make them happy."

Page 135 - Dancer of Gor

Be Eager

"We must thus see to it that we are marvels to them, that we serve them with eagerness and perfections. This is not a matter , incidentally, of serving regardless of our will and possible desires, or in spite of them, but of actually adjusting our will and desires, in such a way that they now find expression and fulfillment even in such service."

Page 312 - Dancer of Gor

Kneel Before The Master

"He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of a Gorean Master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading his first and index finger, pointing downwards. I fled to him and knelt before him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling."

Page 143 - Captive of Gor

"A Gorean slave girl in the presence of a free man or woman always kneels, unless excused from doing so."

Page 73 - Captive of Gor

Fear the Master

"It is well for a slave to fear her master"

Page 143 - Dancer of Gor

Address Correctly

"The Gorean slave girl addresses all free men as "Master" and all free women as "Mistress."

Page 215 - Assassin of Gor

"Similarly, slaves on the whole, do not address free men by their names."

Page 12 - Assassin of Gor

Mind Your Own Business

"Do not concern yourself in this matter, with the values of others, and particularly of men."

Mercenaries of Gor, page 176

"Curiosity is not becoming in a Kajira is a common Gorean saying.  The girl learns quickly that it is not her business to meddle in the affairs of her master but, rather, to be beautiful, and serve him, abjectly and totally."

Savages of Gor, page 61

Keep Your Focus Where it Belongs

"Do not concern yourself in this matter, with the values of others, and particularly of men, or of those who desire to be imitative of men, but seek to find your own female values, the deepest and most feminine values in your being, those of your deepest self. Try to find out who you are, in the depths of your most complete femaleness, and then dare to be what, truly, you are."

Mercenaries of Gor, page 176

Remember Your Duties

"What are the duties of a slave?" I asked.  "They are complex and manifold, Master," she said.  "Speak generally," I said. "We are to be absolutely docile," she said.  "totally obedient  and fully pleasing."

Savages of Gor, page 184

"It is the duty of a slave girl to be fully and completely pleasing to men. Were she not so she would be subject to severe punishment, including even torture and death, should it be the master's wish...

Slave Girl of Gor, page 226

"What is the duty of a slave girl?" I inquired.
"Absolute obedience" she said, frightened.
"What are you?" I inquired.
"A slave girl," she said.
"What is your duty?" I asked.
"Absolute obedience," she cried out.

Hunters of Gor, Page 258

"One of the utilities of a slave, of course, is to occasionally serve as the helpless object upon which the Master may vent his dissatisfaction, his frustration or anger. Too, of course, they may serve many other related purposes, such as the relief of tensions, to relax oneself and even to calm oneself for clear thought."

Magicians of Gor, page 134

"But are there no other duties?" I asked.
"A girl's first duty, of course, Master," she said, "is to be pleasing to her Master."
"In what way?" I asked.
"In any, and every way, of course, Master," she said shyly."

Vagabonds of Gor, Page 443

Remain Invisible at Times

"Suppose," I said, "that I was, in my compartments, entertaining a free woman. In such a situation you would be expected to efface yourself, and humbly serve. You would not speak unless you were spoken to, and then presumably only to respond deferentially to commands. You would remain in the background, a mere instrument to serve us. In no way would you in the slightest be permitted to detract from the impression or effect the free woman desires to create or compete with her in any way. You would be nothing in the room but an almost invisible convenience."

Beasts of Gor, page 276

Be Honest

"The absolute truth must be spoken to a Gorean master. It is forbidden to a girl to hide her feelings."

Page 346 - Captive of Gor

"A slave girl is not permitted to conceal anything from her master. She is his. She must be completely open to him, in all ways, and at all times."

Page 84 - Hunters of Gor

Show Emotions

"Emotion is not only positive, but necessary; the mastery of it is not up to the female. It is up to the male. She is to be every bit the writhing, crying, joyful, and utterly female being she can possibly be. It would be cruel to suggest otherwise."

Page 17- Tribesmen of Gor

Be Thankful
"It is the nature of the female to submit; accordingly, it is natural that, when she is forced to acknowledge, accept, express and reveal this nature, that she should be almost deliriously joyful, and thankful, to her Master; she has been taught her womanhood". 

Marauders of Gor, Pg 155

Show Exquisite Beauty and Absolute Obedience

"What are my duties?", I asked.
"Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience".    

Slave Girl of Gor, Pg 261

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