Monday, May 20, 2013


So much has happened since I left for New York. My Master and I spit. Turned out he is a complete liar and will never change.  The lies got so bad that even his mother had enough of his crap. So I was down for a long time after we split, but good things come to those who aren’t douche bags.

We made the move from NY to LA (Louisiana not Cali.) I know some people just need that realization that LA stands for a state not a city. Anyways, I hate this area. I feel bad for my brother who has to live here for the next 3-5 years. Don’t get me wrong the base is really nice; it’s just the town blows balls. I wouldn’t wish this area on my worst enemy. They have a strip club inside a double wide trailer. I mean seriously? This town isn’t that big, so you know all the strippers are known by everyone. *Gross*

I love being able to spend this time with my nephew too, even though he is a bit of a hellion. I talk a lot of crap about not liking kids, when really I love them. Just wish they all behaved when they need too. Some good stuff is coming its way to my blog here soon. A new Master, well old but new again. One I have truly missed. He says I love him. But pfft what does he know. *grins*

Hopefully I will get to be breathless again!

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