Saturday, June 1, 2013

My Vanilla Master *grins*

So much has changed lately. It is like I went to another world. I am back with the one man that I love more than anyone in the world. (Well, minus my kid of course.) I am elated, and floating on cloud nine. We have plans to move in together and start our lives as a couple. Though part of me feels deep down I am and never will be good enough for him, or anything near what he deserves.  There is still so much of him I do not know, which excites me. I am worried though, deep down truly worried that it will be just like the others.

This relationship isn’t so different from what I am used too. The only thing that is, is him saying he isn’t my master, just my boyfriend. Though he Dom’s me left and right. I am not ashamed of him being my Master; I am by far not caring who knows it. I often think why he says this. Maybe he is ashamed of saying I am his submissive? Perhaps it is society? I don’t know. My daughter loves him to death already so that is a plus. My daughters father is friends with him, and they get along so an even bigger bonus.

I am not afraid of my family finding out that we are together. As far as I am concerned if they don’t like him too bad. Do I want them to get along? Sure, but it isn’t the end of the world, because he will be my family. Though I admit sometimes I feel neglected. I think it’s just me. Maybe I am feeling needy? I am truly terrified that the past will happen again. He will leave me for someone else. I am doing my best to move past my fears and make him happy. Is it wrong that I want to be happy too?

I feel selfish for wanting to be happy. I don’t ever do anything for myself. I am constantly doing things for others. Take my second life game. I buy money in it to get stuff, go shopping etc. yet I mainly give it away, to friends and those that I feel are needing it more than me. Then by the time the balance is at 0. I sigh because there are things I wanted. I have no idea why I do this. Maybe I feel I don’t deserve it?

I love Carl. I want him to be happy, and I need to please him. I fear if I don’t, he will just toss me aside like everyone else. Hell even my own father said I was just a liability to my family. Maybe deep down that is what I am? I hate thinking these thoughts but they have been run into me day after day. Hell my ex left me a nice email, saying that I am nothing but a worthless piece of trash. Is he right? I don’t know.

I see people everywhere that are happy. When I try to snatch on to a little bit of it, I am called a cunt or a bitch, or rude, self-centered, selfish. I hate feeling this way. I know many will say that I was selfish for wanting to keep my Master to myself. Too bad, that’s how I want it. I don’t do chains; I don’t do other women in the bedroom. It is me, and him. Poly might work for others, but it doesn’t for me. I am not selfish because that is how I want it.

I love him enough to say that he is enough for me. I just hope my loyalty and devotion are shown through. I hope deep down he can see I love him, so purely, so deeply that I need no one else but him in my life. That I want him, I adore him, and he is the only one that I see myself growing old with. Both in D/s and Vanilla worlds.

I love you my Master…even if you won’t admit that’s what you are to me.

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