Monday, June 3, 2013

Keep your Bitch on a leash, or I'll put her on one!

[02:39] Me:  Tal Shi-san
[02:39] Me:  Tal slutbutts
[02:39] Insolent Slave:  chuckles hearing her Owner calling san
[02:40] Insolent Slave:  Konichiwa uri-san, please do not call my Owner san he is Not Your equal
[02:40] Master:  OI
[02:40] Master:  none of that
[02:40] Me:  smirks
[02:40] Me:  I call him what he has granted me permission to call him
[02:40] Me:  and if he doesn’t have an issue with it
[02:40] Me:  then you shouldn’t either
[02:40] Me:  it pleases him for me to call him Shi-san
[02:41] Me:  I cater to Masters
[02:41] Me:  not slaves
[02:41] Insolent Slave:  hai my Shi, -san is only for the equal status
[02:41] Me:  mind your place
[02:42] Insolent Slave:  I am minding my place Uri, maybe you need to learn Japanese
[02:42] Me:  You will do well to respect other kajirae. You dishonor your Master with your attitude
[02:43] Insolent Slave:  I am teaching You the right way and I greeted You the way it should be,. secondly You called a Mistress a slutbutt
[02:43] Master:  all be silent if you cannot behave
[02:43] Me:  yes, Shi-san
[02:43] Insolent Slave:  Hai my Shi
[02:44] Me:  You need to be silent...we are OOC here..and understand little bumpkin. This is my Land, and my home...
[02:44] Me:  I welcome you on it, because I enjoy Masters company
[02:44] Me:  but I won’t be butt hurt if you can’t come
[02:44] Me:  *winks*
[02:44] Insolent Slave:  doing as her Owner as told , wee if this was not ordered
[02:46] Master:  and also I have given her permission for her to call me by shi
[02:46] Insolent Slave:  Hai, Shi would be good my Shi. but San is not so good my Shi
[02:47] Me:  do not correct the Free
[02:47] Me:  slaves do not teach, or correct the Free
[02:48] Insolent Slave:  my Shi You told her to be quiet why is she still butting in others business?
[02:48] Me:  Why aren’t you gagged already you jealous princess
[02:48] Master:  ENUFF alika

Ok so seriously. I know I am far from perfect, and I have the mouth of a sailor that I am trying to stop using, but even I know to be nice to people. Especially if you do not know them. So with that venting, who wants to line up and smack a hoe?

Oh and the pic, I took without any special graphics in Second life. I wanted to post an ugly photo of her, but sadly I am not that cruel, and I even paid for the upload and gave it to her as well. *le sigh*

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