Saturday, June 1, 2013

Asperiche Sunrise Serenade Dance Contest

First Dancer to dance is: Tivi

[05:59] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah): An old African Proverb states, "Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running." Blinking a bright blue eye into the glare of the rising sun, she smiles to those gathered and whispers, "Better start running..." 

[06:00] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah): The sun peeks up over the horizon, rising just above the tops of the mountains before her, however distant. Precious softness of silk wafts gently against her skin in the subtle breeze which commands her softly, 'Dance...' Snapping her head to look towards the beam of light peeking into view, the slave breaks the statuesque pose she'd been holding and begins to dance, swirling gracefully on pointed toes. The slightest hint of talendar in the wind, flowing from the golden-white locks of hair pinned into a thick bun atop her head.

 [06:01] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah): Flying high on the wings of devastation and despair, she moves about her circles in a whirl of blue and purple silk, rippling in the air as the waves of the rolling thassa in the distance, threatening to consume her, toes tracing intricate patterns in the sand. A small hiss leaves slightly-parted lips as the harshness of daybreak finds the bareness of her neck. A deep breath is taken, not a step is missed, as the slave repeats softly to herself, "Others are simply more suited than I, and that is ok."

[06:01] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah) opens her eyes, having not realized that she had closed them, only to find herself still dancing... but not just dancing... dancing before Men. There are Women too, of course, but the seemingly timid little slave lets her gaze dart from one Man to the Other, bringing her hands down and whipping her body around, using the only defense she has against Their touch: constant movement. They cannot touch her if They cannot catch her... They cannot collar her if They cannot touch her... she cannot fall in love if They do not collar her.

[06:02] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah): The art of seduction is not necessarily something that one does deliberately... sometimes the shyest of slaves can be the most alluring. The girl's eyes lock on one Man, gaze fixated, unable to look away... opening her arms and bending down as though she may kneel. Just as a knee touches the sands, both hands move upwards and she spins away again. Not understanding that to run from them only provokes the chase, her eyes search the crowd for that One Man... the only One who could cause her to sink to her knees.

[06:03] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah): Heart fully open and alive again, she passionately relives that moment, dancing from her knees, even writhing in the sands. Pushing her body up and arching her back, her lithe form stretches to its full length, petite as she many be, displaying herself to Him, cloaked in silk... the silk He had given her. "Surely He will remember... surely He will know..." With another heavy sigh, the slave hangs her head and whispers to herself again, "Others are simply more suited than I, and that is ok."

[06:04] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah) rises to her feet again, almost sharply, though her movements remain fluid, graceful. The joyous memory fades from her mind and she once more remembers where she is. To dance, in this way, with so many others to watch, used to be her greatest pride and joy... it used to make her feel alive. Now, as her gaze passes over each of the Men again, it is her greatest fear. It is said that she should dance so that she may be rewarded... that she may be dragged to an alcove and raped, or raped right there in the sands.... so it is said.

[06:05] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah): Turning her eyes to the skies briefly, though not believing the Priest Kings would help her now, the tone of her movements seems to change. No longer timid slave, frightened of Men, but a warm-blooded slave moving her body with more precision... the precision of a trained slave... a trained dancer. Her hands circle around her head, quickly the first time, so much so that one would think nothing over it. Wrapping her arms over her torso, she rocks gently back and forth, seemingly torn between two things... right or wrong... heaven or hell... eat or be eaten.

[06:05] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah) finds herself lost for the last time inside her own memories... the night she'd found herself dancing before Him. Oh how He'd loved to see her dance, and how she desired to please Him so. Every part of her being ached to serve Him as best she could. Though this particular night, it was not in His chambers... for she was no longer His. Her eyes catch His across the tavern and she moves especially for Him until He would rise, excuse Himself from His company, and approach closer to her, the One who got away. Lion and lamb... Captor and His lovestruck captive... Master and slave.

[06:06] Tivi Shenzhou-Darkfold (tiviyah) pirouettes around Him now, a sultry mixture of slave flesh and silk pressing against Him. Raising up on tiptoes, she whispers to Him His repeated lesson, her quiet reassurance, "Others are simply more suited than I..." He would turn His head to smile at her, "Such an understanding girl..." In sync with His words, the ultimate irony, she plunges her hairpin into His neck, covering herself in the blood of from her Master. Those in the tavern would scatter as the slave sinks to her knees, sobbing softly and speaking her last words to Him, through gritted teeth, "... it... is NOT... ok." The lion slays the gazelle...

Next to dance is: Wren

[06:13] Wren (novaleigh.freng) kneels quietly, hugging slender arms to her chest, a thoughtful look clouding jade orbs. The slave lets out a soft exhalation of breath and glances upwards, a small smile playing across rose-hued lips as the music begins to play.

[06:14] Wren (novaleigh.freng) slides forward with toes pointed, elongating lithe body, and stretches a hand toward the heavens. Fiery auburn locks obscure green eyes as the dancer looks out, seeming to scan the dock as small frame twists forward. Petal-soft lips part, allowing a single soft-spoken word to pass. "Master..."

[06:14] Wren (novaleigh.freng) rises fluidly, a hand gliding in front of her face before the beast sinks downward for an ihn, leg stretched, brand displayed. The girl rises and steps back, body moving as though weightless, and twirls, luscious hips swaying from side to side. "This girl has so many reasons to dance..."

[06:14] Wren (novaleigh.freng) steps forward, emerald eyes mixed with sadness, and thanks to Him, a hint of hope. Body twists and turns with practiced grace, willowy arms cutting patterns through thickness in the air. "Thank you, Master, for everything..."

[06:15] Wren (novaleigh.freng) seems to stumble for an ihn, but recovers, gliding forward, well-toned arms outstretched for the skies. She whirls about, taking a deep breath of the salty Asperiche air and closing moss green eyes, smiling as if savoring a sweet memory. "Thank You for reminding this girl how to smile..."

[06:15] Wren (novaleigh.freng) moves forward with measured steps and twirls, eyes opening wide to scan the area once more. Luscious body continues to move as fingertips dance over cold, familiar steel. "For taking this girl in..."

[06:16] Wren (novaleigh.freng) steps forward and spins softly, arms raised, arching supple spine. The beast dips low, a shiver passing over tiny frame, and smiles again, fingertips combing through the soft granules of sand. "For reminding this girl of her purpose..."

 [06:16] Wren (novaleigh.freng) raises an arm to the heavens and closes wide eyes, stepping back and twirling on pointed toes. Hips undulate with careful rhythm as creamy cheeks flush pink. A soft twinkle lights green eyes as lashes kiss rounded cheeks for an ihn before raising. "This girl can dance again because of You, Master..."

[06:17] Wren (novaleigh.freng) takes a deep breath as if to prepare herself and smiles wide, whirling around and around, the dock, the sea, and the city behind it seeming to blend together with each twirl. She smiles, another soft sigh spilling past parted lips as toes dig into the sand.

[06:17] Wren (novaleigh.freng) sinks to the ground with another soft exhalation of breath, cheeks burned pink from her efforts, and slides forward, crossing arms over her chest. Another glance upward is stolen before the beast presses her forehead to the ground. "I am Yours, Master!" she calls out. "La Kajira!"

Next to dance is: Aesa (which is me!)


 [06:20] Ender Bluetooth (ender.streeter) watches intently as his girl takes the sands

[06:21] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): stepped into the pit. The sand squished between her toes, as her weight pushed down upon its surface. She swallowed hard, before she raised her left arm high above her head and bent it at the elbow forming a lovely angle. As she pointed her left foot, she bent her knee just enough to give balance as she arched her back, letting her crimson hair fall down her shoulders, to hang loose nearly touching the sand. She could feel all eyes on her, which caused her heart to race, nervously. The different colors surrounded and swirled as the sun began to rise. The waves of the thassa crashed behind her, urging her on. Today she would be pleasing, lest she fall prey to the whips of the Masters of Asperiche. ((ready))

[06:21] Malhavik Oni (malhavik) holds up a tinny flag with roo on it waving it softly

[06:22] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): closed her eyes to calm her nerves. As the music began its slow sorrowful tune, she took in a deep breath. Then with a rock of her hips, she stepped forward, her body coming to its full height as she un-arched her back, her right arm sliding up her body, sending thrills through her. She had been without the touch of a man for so long, that her own fingers tantalized her. She rocked her hips to the left towards Charis while her lustful gaze scanned the crowd for her Master.

[06:22] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): ‘s eyes caught sight of his handsome face, and though she rocked her hips towards Charis she quickly twirled in his direction. As she moved the sand kicked up around her ankles, clinging to her flesh. Her silks tickled up her thighs, with each shake of her hips. She bent forward her hair falling down her shoulders as she twirled her head and rose again to his gaze. She thrust her chest forward, and smiled as she lingered her thoughts on the way he had touched her before.

[06:23] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): turned and revealed toned muscles in her back, as she looked over her shoulder at him. Then she snaked her hips from side to side, letting the silks catch anyone’s gaze as she bent her knees slinking lower to the sands. She bit her bottom lip, while she spun on her rear, and landed on her side. She arched her back some and bucked her hips in his direction, excited, she knew if she danced well, she would lay with him this night. How eager she was to please him..

[06:24] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): lifted her leg high into the air, as she let her fingers trace up her thigh to her calf. She swallowed hard as the feelings made her heart race more from the delicious torment. How she ached for him, desperately craving his Mastery. She moved to her knees, parting her thighs wide as she rocked her hips forward, and arched her back more, her arms moved before her, her fingers stressing out wanting him to take her then from the pit.

 [06:24] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): stepped forward, bending her knee as she swayed her shoulders from side to side. Her arms moved on each side of her swaying as if she flew like a herlit through the air. Her breathing picked up with the music. She was excited, eager knowing she would have a chance to please him to her full capacity if she danced pleasingly enough. With a kick of her left leg, she groaned wanting to be done with her display, so she could rip off her silks and beg to be touched.

[06:25] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): planting her foot firmly in the sands, she twirled over and over again as the music gathered its climax. The sounds filled her soul as she thrust her hips from side to side, her arms reaching toward the crowd, pleading to be grasped and taken. She was overwhelmed with the knowledge that she would be in his arms, tending to his every desire. She rocked her pelvis towards him, showing him just how eager and hot she was already with mere thoughts of pleasure.

 [06:26] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): thrusted her hips from side to side in a rough staccato as the music sang her joy faster. Her arms were firm, as if bound by those who watched her. When her desire swelled through, she punched her hips forward, and then started to sway her wrists gracefully, as she lowered her arms to her sides. There she spun in a circle, showing off the garnet silks that wrapped so elegantly around her, aiming to catch his fancy, for soon she will be with him, writhing helplessly beneath him.

[06:26] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): twirled again in a fast circle before the she took a leap towards the back of the pit, her body displayed in the air, as she displayed her beauty in the air. When she landed, the sand picked up again, rising to her calf, and clinging to her. She leapt again back towards him, her happiness swelling higher, that she could not contain her movements in thrusts and swaying.

[06:27] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): the music crescendo higher and higher as she swayed from here to there, her arms yearning to be bound, and pulled to release her from the overwhelming thoughts of being tossed to his firs. Her knees bent more, as she swayed faster, her silks swishing higher up her legs, while her arms wrapped around her belly like a rope tying her. It was too much to bare, the knowledge that he desired her, that he would put her to the test of being truly a woman, helpless to her need of being in his arms.

 [06:27] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): turned, and swayed her hips some more. Her joy was shining brighter, as she smiled more revealing glistening white teeth. She turned again, her back towards him, the crowd, everyone. She rocked her hips so fast to the music, which her body shook, she was near the release just by the thought of pleasing him this night. Drums danced in her ears, as they beat upon the hard leather. Her breathing was fast, short. She couldn’t take it anymore.

 [06:28] Аɛѕɑ (inara.serrao): when she turned, she looked to him, his eyes on her froze her instantly. She was exhausted from displaying her body before the crowd. She was covered in a sheen of sweat, her crimson hair matted to her forehead. She groaned more with the desire to crawl to him, but she couldn’t. All she could do was twirl, and twirl before finally collapsing to the sands. She hit her knees rough, kicking up more sand that clung to her thighs. She parted them, before falling to her side, her right arm stretched toward him, her eyes turned, with lifted lashes as she pleaded for the command to stop, and come to his boot. She had danced hard, and fast, needing to please him, to please all the free, to show she was not an insolent cooking pot girl, but a prized slave that would devote her life to honoring her Master!

 [06:29] Malhavik Oni (malhavik) wavesw the flag more hearing the people chear he whistles loudly

 [06:29] Ender Bluetooth (ender.streeter) smiled as he applauded, his face clearly had a pleased look on it

Next to dance is the Kajirus (male slave): Jimmie

(he was the first male slave I have ever seen dance at all)

[06:35] Jimmie Hammill gulps as he addresses the Free assembled, and croaks "This Dance, Masters and Mistresses, is a version of the Chain Dance, for the kajirus. I pray to the Priest Kings that it pleases you."

[06:37] Jimmie Hammill runs through the dark forest like an animal, a tabuk pursued by a tarn, wide eyed in fear, running through the trees, twigs snapping underfoot, feet bruised by rocks, branches cutting into his smooth flesh; he runs and he throws up his arms to protect himself from the low hanging branches; looking back to see the flash of scarlet cape, the glitter of a golden helmet, the moonlight reflecting off the hilt of a sword; and still he runs, heart pumping to burst; shaking in fear, tears welling in his eyes, wind whipping against his skin in the darkness.....

 [06:37] Jimmie Hammill hears the rumble of distant thunder as he runs across hill and dale, muscled legs aching, calves cramping as he struggles to stay upright, his lungs struggling to hold air, slipping and sliding across a fallen tur tree to cross the river near the city, running toward it as if to a sanctuary.....

 [06:37] Jimmie Hammill reaches the city at carnival time and runs through it as if it was afire, dodging the celebrants, masked and anonymous, turning back to see his pursuer, calm, relentless as a larl; he dodges into an alley to catch his breath and gasps as he sees the scarlet cape come down the alley in pursuit; he runs back into the crowd; dodging and turning; and wherever he might flee, there is the Warrior, calmly stalking his prey, circling with ease and masculine confidence, slowly... slowly... slowly moving toward him, and wherever the boy runs, there is the hunter........

[06:39] Jimmie Hammill shudders as he staggers on aching legs, trying to run, flailing his arms, pushing revelers from the way of his flight; back to the alley and the hunter is there; through the tavern and the hunter is there; through the silence of the library to the chaos of the blocks, and the hunter is there; and the boy stumbles.... a trip.... a toe stubbed on a cobble, falling to the ground, and looking up to see the scarlet cape, the gold helmet, the sparkling hilt of the sword... towering above him....

[06:39] Jimmie Hammill struggles, writhing and flailing, struggling to be free of the Warrior, but the Man is too quick for him. The boy stumbles to his feet and starts to run, but he is breathless and he falls again. The Warrior grabs the boy by the hair and lifts him up, then releases him and the boy falls to the ground, the leather boot of the Warrior now firmly on his chest. Muddy, his muscles slick with sweat and grime, a crowd gathers, laughing and chanting at his fate, while the Warrior nods at him and reaches for his belt.

 [06:39] Jimmie Hammill howls, wretched, desolate; and the hunter, the Warrior of crimson cape says nothing, as he pleads in misery, pleads for his freedom, and the Warrior, unmoved, takes out the collar; and the boy raises his arms, kneeling, lowering his head, wrists crossed. The collar is placed and a chain of twenty feet attached to it; the steel snaps shut, the lock is turned....... enslavement......

 [06:40] Jimmie Hammill shivers.... and he thinks he sees a trace of a smile appear on the Warrior's impassive face; and he looks briefly into the Warrior's eyes, and sees amusement, and the boy knows he is trapped; and the boy rises up, running as far as the chain will allow....

 [06:41] Jimmie Hammill dances around his captor, furious, a snarling sleen, running, as if to escape the Warrior, dancing out to the full length of the chain as if to escape, to run, to be away from his captor; he bares his teeth in hatred, snarling, growling, tabuk to larl in the click of a collar; he circles his captor like a moon to the glittering scarlet sun, imprisoned in the Warrior's orbit yet pulling away, trying to break free of that which is his center.....

 [06:42] Jimmie Hammill moves in the orbit of the Warrior, circling, eyes narrowed in hatred; and the Warrior, like the sun itself, as his natural right, takes up a fist of chain, pulling the chain slightly toward Him each time the boy circles his orbit, drawing him slightly closer to him on each orbit; at times allowing the boy to drift out, but never to the full length of the chain, and each time drawing him closer....

 [06:42] Jimmie Hammill pleads with his body as the Warrior draws him in; begging, bargaining, cajoling, displaying himself to distract the Warrior; feeling the relentless draw, of chain and collar against his neck, and the overwhelming power of the Warrior drawing him toward him, slowly... slowly.. and the boy bucks and kicks, crying out in frustration, and he suddenly becomes calm and moves in seduction, gracefully; then howls, baying at the moon, tears welling up and moving away from the Warrior, as far as the Free Man will allow....

 [06:42] Jimmie Hammill resists the pull of the Warrior, keeping himself at a distance, snapping and growling, crying out and begging, pleading and cajoling; and the Warrior effortlessly, with the great strength of a Gorean Male, pulls him closer.. A flick of the wrist and he is drawn in, howling, resisting, and the boy retreats, only to be reigned in again....

 [06:43] Jimmie Hammill is drawn closer to his captor, as the Warrior pulls the length of chain very close, and he writhes on the ground at the feet of the Warrior, arching his back, cooing like a dove then roaring like a larl, moving his body in a swaying motion, and rolling on the ground, only to suddenly break and run, feeling the cold steel cut into his tender neck... because he is too close in the orbit of the Warrior, too close to ever break free; he is possessed.. owned......

[06:44] Jimmie Hammill feels the touch, the firm but tender hand of the Warrior under his collar, holding him by it, fingers rough from battle against the skin of his neck, and he breathes deeply, the pounding of his heart becoming quiet as he looks up at the warrior with pleading eyes..... exhausted...... possessed...... owned... and he gasps slightly as the Warrior puts a rough thumb under his collar, lifting him up and carrying him to his quarters.


Last to dance is: Eden

 [06:49] dη (karesinda.warwillow): "Imagine.. if you will, please... A woman, strong and proud, a woman who had only moments before chosen.. of her own free will... to submit to the Warrior who held her heart. Now, kneeling there before him, stripped bare of her robes, shivering gently at the feel of the steel she begged from him now wrapped around a slender neck, amazed at how quickly that band of possession warms itself next to her skin. The thoughts that whirl through her mind are not ones of regret but, instead, they are thoughts of awe and wonderment... "i am his... he is my Master!"

[06:50] dη (karesinda.warwillow)'s emerald eyes, shimmering brightly with emotion, cast upwards to the man who now owns her so completely, feeling small.. helpless... vulnerable.. as his strength towers over her. A tremble of delight passes through her as he speaks, his voice low.. commanding.. intimidating... "Dance for me, my girl".... as a soft breath catches in her throat, she begins to move...

[06:50] dη (karesinda.warwillow) pushes back onto the coolness of the tiled floor as long, lissome legs draw up in an attempt to tease at her Master, a soft frown toying over heart-shaped lips as she gazes into his eyes and sees no pleasure within their deep blue depths. Gently, she rolls to find her feet, lithe hips swaying invitingly as she peeks over a soft shoulder, sinking back to knees just as her heart sinks in her chest, her motions stopping as she curls over knees, softly sobbing into her hands and crying out.. "Ohh, my Master, pleasee.. i can't.. i don't know how!!"

[06:51] dη (karesinda.warwillow): "The girl slowly looks up to her Master as he reaches down to cup her face in his hand, the beat of her heart stopping as he peers into her eyes, his expression soft as he looks upon the girl who just moments ago was his Lady, finding he is still awed by her beauty and grace, seeing the uncertainty and confusion that now clouds her face, he wipes at her tears and, after a long moment of silence, he lifts her to her feet, the tone of his voice warm as he speaks to her... "Dance, my girl"

[06:52] dη (karesinda.warwillow) lifts gently to dainty feet as her Master guides her, eyes sparkling like jewels as she looks to him, her steps as timid and unsure as a new born tabuk as she prances slowly before him, the effort to please causing her to tense, lean muscles of legs to become taut as she moves, a soft whimper escaping past full lips as she dips low, the timber of his voice caressing her ears.. "My girl, let the passion you felt when you begged my collar strip away your inhibitions.. close your eyes.. Dance.."

[06:52] dη (karesinda.warwillow)'s eyes close as she absorbs her Masters words, small hands sliding softly over bare breasts before teasing over svelte hips as they begin to undulate, focusing only on the beat of her heart as she turns and steps away, fingers reaching up to touch the band of steel around neck as a delicate foot raises gingerly, pivoting almost languidly as she follows the steady rhythm beating within, willowy arms reaching out as if to release the woman she once was, inviting the fire of the slave in..

[06:53] dη (karesinda.warwillow)'s twin falls of silken fire cascade over creamy shoulders as lashes flutter lightly upon cheeks, lissome body flowing gently as the beat of her heart guides her motions. Tenuous hips roll as hands move blindly over pert breasts, fingers tease over a smooth tummy, a soft gasp mummering over lips.. as if she is truly feeling herself for the first time. Sinking low, long painted nails rake over inner thighs, sending a tremor of delight through her..

[06:54] dη (karesinda.warwillow)'s eyes flitter lazily open, gems of sultry jade cast towards her Master, absorbing the look of quiet pleasure upon his chisled features. Rounded ass pushes back, a hand following the slight curve of a hip learning to yeild to the steady beat of a new slaves heart as they roll wide, sylphlike arms raising high as her body begins to flow openly, lustrous tresses trailing cashmire kisses over bared skin, evoking shivers of sweet pleasure that begin to weaken her..

 [06:55] dη (karesinda.warwillow) slithers to knees on the cool tiles as her body gives in to the new sensations, engulfing her in an enticing dance of self discovery as she succumbs to the warmth spreading through her, the brilliance of eyes darkening with desire as they look to the man who now owns her, lunging toward him and drawing back in a sensual tease, long tresses tickling the swell of round ass as she arches back, surrendering to the lascivious pleasure staking its claim on her..

 [06:55] dη (karesinda.warwillow) yeilds fully to the salacious yearning of her body, thighs trembling with a new found hunger, driving agile hips to grind down as they roll, hands sliding over aching breasts before moving up to lift luscious tails of flame from slender neck, a soft gasp whispering at her ear as fingers find the warm steel, lightly caressing it, absorbing the freedom it allows her body, reveling in the sheer joy of it, her sensese heightened by the meaning it holds...

[06:56] dη (karesinda.warwillow) reaches forward over the tiles as hips grind wantonly downwards, lust-filled eyes looking to her Master as she stretches to him, the moisture of her need glistening like a summer sky dripping rhinestones as she crys out softly, "Ohhh please my Master..." the words trailing off to echo in her ears as she folds upon the tiles, quivering silently as small hands extend in their begging. An awakened slaves soul praying for her Masters touch to release the fire that rages within. ~la kajira~


First place goes to Jimmie

Second place goes to Aesa

Third place goes to Tivi

 So I had a blast dancing this dance competition. It is the first time I ever placed in a dance competition so I am excited for the next dance. Read them, and then leave me a comment on who you feel should have won. I would love to see everyone's opinion.

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