Friday, June 21, 2013

My Dearest Cake - My Breast Friend - My Cloud Nine - My soul mate

Lil Miss Cupcake Tuesday, June 18, 2013

So many people have been asking me lately why I no longer speak to the woman I once called my best friend and mostly I answer "we just separated". Well, after so many questions directed my way, I decided to tell my side since I assume she has been getting the same questions. I made a choice for MY life, which she did not agree with. As my best  friend she should have given her advice and left it alone. Instead, she berated me and put our friendship on hold. So that left me wondering, what kind of friend drops a treasured friendship over something she had nothing to do with? As her friend, I always supported her choices. I gave her advice, but ultimately I know it's her life and whatever the outcome she will have to deal with the consequences, but as her best friend of course I would be by her side holding her up, clearly she did not share the same opinion. What gets me, is after I cut off communication, she went back to her ex, the one who "broke her heart a hundred times". So my question to her would be, why is it ok to make a decision about YOUR life, but it wasn't ok for me to do the same? As my friend you should have supported me. If the situation turned out like you predicted then as my best friend you should have been there to pick up the pieces like I have and would have done for you. You left me alone and broke my heart. I would have never abandoned you. How can someone call another a best friend when they are needed the most they desert you? I still miss her. She truly is a great woman and there really is nothing bad to say about her other than we differed in our definition of friendship. I wish the best for her, I always will. Life moves forward and I'm sure she will agree she has moved on and found her happiness. I wish we didn't have to go through this, but for whatever reason this was our destiny. 

My Response:

It was never the decisions you made Cake. It was that through your decisions I nearly had a heart attack with the stress of worrying over you. Not knowing if you are dead or alive, and then finding out you tried to kill yourself, over a pathetic excuse for a man? Yes, we make mistakes, clearly I know as I have made a ton of them. I never abandoned you; I had to make a decision to step back from the situation. Did it break my heart, every day? Does it still affect me? Yes, it does. DO I miss you..With every fiber of my being. I talk about you all the time, and I wonder if you are even alive still.

I am always here for you, but what you fail to understand is that when you start trying to kill yourself, and I have to sit here and watch it, day in and day out, that is when our friendship became abusive. Whether you meant it or not to be that way, you were emotionally abusing your friends. So I did what was best for my life. I stepped back, because for the whole time you were in the hospital and on 51/50 I was so stressed, and grief stricken that I couldn’t eat, or sleep and all I did was cry. Is that healthy for a friendship?

My best friend, Cake was someone I always counted on to be the ray of sunshine to build my day. She is an amazing woman and deserves all the happiness in the world. To this day she is an amazing mother, a beautiful woman, kind, cheerful, and would go through hoops to please people. She is submissive, a little princess but not in the bad way. A few months ago devastation hit our friendship in the name of her ex douche bag.

She is in love with him, and I don’t blame her. He has a charm about him, but as Christina Perri sings he just collects hearts in jars. He sucks the very light from your soul. Now clearly I should be kind about this man since my friend loves him so much, but here is why I won’t.

He made promises, lead her on and said he loved her and still wanted to be with her. Then turned and handed her divorce papers. Which sent my best friend, someone I love and treasure into such a deep depression that she attempted to kill herself. If it wasn’t for her mother, she would have died. Leaving behind a beautiful son without a mother.

 During this entire time, I called and called and called trying to get ahold of her, because I wasn’t in the area she lived. I called the police in the area she lived in three times a day for a week but because I wasn’t family they wouldn’t give me any information.  My roommate had to force me to eat, I was crying left in right. Friends were trying to console me. Nothing worked. I couldn’t sleep and the little bit I got was filled of nightmares of my best friend dying.

So when I heard my friend tell me that her husband wants her back after all this, and doesn’t want the divorce. You can see why I was upset. I went through hell just as she did, but why couldn’t she see that being her friend was worth more to me than my own health. After hearing she was going back, I realized how abusive our friendship was turning out to be.

It was not healthy being so close that I got sick because of stress, worry, and grief. I stepped back. Sure words were flown at each other in anger, because I was hurt that she didn’t care about our friendship more than some dumb ass penis. I still would to this day do anything for her, and I hope one day she realizes that I do in fact love her, but she willingly put herself back into a situation where she could get so down to try and kill herself.

To me, that is abusive to those around you. I love my friend, but I have to love myself more. I am starting to learn this.  I hope one day she can love herself more to tell this prick that goes on and hurts her day in and day out that it’s over, and that she never contacts him again.

I love you Cake. I always will! I miss my breast friend!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The power of love

The love of a slave girl is the deepest and most profound love that any woman can give a man. Love makes a woman a man's slave, and the wholeness of that love requires that she be, in truth, his slave.
-- Magicians of Gor, pg.31

There is nothing more beautiful than being put on my knees, naked, helpless before a man. Especially if that man is someone I desire to please.  In Gor a slave has no choice but to be pleasing at all times, to whoever commands it of her, even if he does not own her, or if she does not love him.  I remember watching Story of O. A bdsm movie about a woman who must go to a place to be trained in the service of pleasing men. She goes because she is in love with the man she wants to serve. Not realizing he is preparing her to be for another. When she gets done training, he takes her to meet her new owner. This man commands her to serve him and she becomes defiant because she said she does not love him. He forces himself upon her and says that she will please him, whether she loves him or not. Later in the film or book should you choose to read the story? O (by which she chooses to be called ;) says that she loves all men. That by serving these men and pleasing these men, showed her devotion and how deeply her love for her master she had.

I have noticed over time my mindset has begun to change. At the beginning of my acquisition, I found I was defiant, disrespectful, and that I just didn’t care. I would serve who I wanted, when I wanted, where I wanted. Later down this path I somehow shifted. I respect men more, I yearn to please not just the men that own me, not just the ones I find desirable, but all men. I love each man I meet, each man I serve a simple drink too, and I know that through loving these men, serving their needs that I am showing my love for my master. I find I am more lustful now, my inhibitions gone from me. I want to be that wanton pile of lust that is hot to the touch and ready to serve in any fashion. I do not care who mocks me either.

Now I can admit. I would still love my master even if he decided to free me. My love stems farther than just servitude. I truly believe he loves me, and wants me to be happy with him. In fact I think all vanilla relationships are a little gorean even if they don’t admit it. In a relationship you want your partner to be happy. So you do things that make them happy. You want to be rewarded with that smile and thanks of gratitude for doing your best to make your partner happy. That is the base form of slavery. To please your master. That is what I want the most in this world.

I don’t need to be coddled, told I am a good girl, patted on the head. I don’t need a gold star or a trophy. I just need to see the smile on my master’s face, and those that I serve. If they are happy then I am happy. I know I have no choice in who I serve, but I must admit.  Giving myself freely to another, just as the quote says. Is a deep profound love. One that I cannot explain to others how it feels. It is painful, it is empowering, it is an aching need, yet the most amazing feeling I have ever had.  I need to serve, because I need to give my love away. It is who I have always been. It is who I always will be. I am not ashamed of it. I will always embrace it. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

JOURNAL for Aesa - 2

So this week has been very trying on me. Ender has officially started work, and hasn’t been around. I don’t know if I can handle that for long. Then he snapped at me several times, ignored me, and I just don’t know what is going on. I often feel as of late that he just doesn’t want to be around, or even with me. I know that is just a fear of mine. My little insecurities but what can I say. I think I am bad luck. I get a Master, then they leave SL. *ponders*

On top of which, he wanted me to talk to my mother. I did. She was by far not happy. She thinks that he cannot take care of me, because of his health issues, and she doesn’t think he can make me happy. She said she would be civil but she doesn’t have to like him. He is upset that it won’t be an easy ride being with me. There is nothing I can do about it, but I can and will defend him against my family, to the point that I will disown them. Just ever since I talked to my mom; my Master has been a little distant and different with me. I don’t know why, but it sucks.

I finally made it to level 2 in Haifa. This is awesome. I will get to start teaching soon. I am not sure what I want to teach of now, but I am excited. I plan to make all the classes I teach interactive, so I can gain a lot of input from the kajirae. This should be fun and exciting. At least I hope it will be.

I was nervous when I was collared. I had been so hurt so bad before. Abused, and mentally fucked. I can’t go through that again. I didn’t want to be a slave at first. I fought it, and didn’t listen and was very insolent. I didn’t want men touching me because of what happened before, so my Master enrolled me in Haifa. Now all I want is to be pleasing, an serve men fully, but now I can’t because my Master wont remove my chastity belt off.  I am damned if I don’t and damned if I do.

I can’t complain really. I am happy. I love my Master, and I love all Masters. I get to be a slave finally. I did a happy dance when I found out. I don’t ever want to be a free woman again. If it happens, I will leave Gor for good. My slave fire was lit again, I don’t know how it happened but it did. Now it burns so hot, my belly hurts all the time. I need it to be guided and molded.  I need to be at the feet of men, at their mercy.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is love

“Love is scary. Love is risky. Love is unsafe. Love isn’t for the faint of heart. Love takes courage. Love and fear can’t coexist. Love means giving people permission to break your heart—over and over and over.”―Dr. Lissa Rankin

Monday, June 3, 2013

Keep your Bitch on a leash, or I'll put her on one!

[02:39] Me:  Tal Shi-san
[02:39] Me:  Tal slutbutts
[02:39] Insolent Slave:  chuckles hearing her Owner calling san
[02:40] Insolent Slave:  Konichiwa uri-san, please do not call my Owner san he is Not Your equal
[02:40] Master:  OI
[02:40] Master:  none of that
[02:40] Me:  smirks
[02:40] Me:  I call him what he has granted me permission to call him
[02:40] Me:  and if he doesn’t have an issue with it
[02:40] Me:  then you shouldn’t either
[02:40] Me:  it pleases him for me to call him Shi-san
[02:41] Me:  I cater to Masters
[02:41] Me:  not slaves
[02:41] Insolent Slave:  hai my Shi, -san is only for the equal status
[02:41] Me:  mind your place
[02:42] Insolent Slave:  I am minding my place Uri, maybe you need to learn Japanese
[02:42] Me:  You will do well to respect other kajirae. You dishonor your Master with your attitude
[02:43] Insolent Slave:  I am teaching You the right way and I greeted You the way it should be,. secondly You called a Mistress a slutbutt
[02:43] Master:  all be silent if you cannot behave
[02:43] Me:  yes, Shi-san
[02:43] Insolent Slave:  Hai my Shi
[02:44] Me:  You need to be silent...we are OOC here..and understand little bumpkin. This is my Land, and my home...
[02:44] Me:  I welcome you on it, because I enjoy Masters company
[02:44] Me:  but I won’t be butt hurt if you can’t come
[02:44] Me:  *winks*
[02:44] Insolent Slave:  doing as her Owner as told , wee if this was not ordered
[02:46] Master:  and also I have given her permission for her to call me by shi
[02:46] Insolent Slave:  Hai, Shi would be good my Shi. but San is not so good my Shi
[02:47] Me:  do not correct the Free
[02:47] Me:  slaves do not teach, or correct the Free
[02:48] Insolent Slave:  my Shi You told her to be quiet why is she still butting in others business?
[02:48] Me:  Why aren’t you gagged already you jealous princess
[02:48] Master:  ENUFF alika

Ok so seriously. I know I am far from perfect, and I have the mouth of a sailor that I am trying to stop using, but even I know to be nice to people. Especially if you do not know them. So with that venting, who wants to line up and smack a hoe?

Oh and the pic, I took without any special graphics in Second life. I wanted to post an ugly photo of her, but sadly I am not that cruel, and I even paid for the upload and gave it to her as well. *le sigh*