Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Journal 2 Family Fued

Where do I begin? Today was supposed to be a joyous day. It wasn’t! To start my day, I fell down seven stairs, which caused me to hit my head. Then I proceeded to have a migraine for the rest of the day. On top of it all, my Master, and my Role play father, in our game decided to have an argument. My Role play father went too far, and admitted he was madly in love with me in Real life, and wanted to be with me.

Now I feel I have to distance myself. This is hard for me because I care for him so much, but not in the way he wants me too. I just don’t get it. He should never have crossed those lines. After he did however, he then proceeded to tell me if I follow certain orders from my Master, he will kill him. Well, that’s not exactly fair. He has slaves of his own, which are expected to follow his commands at all times. I in turn, will follow my commands as expected of me.

I don’t want to choose between them two. I know who will win. I just don’t want to choose at all. It isn’t fair to me to do so; needless to say I am tired of their drama fighting. Why can’t they both just grow up, and say look. I was fucked up, let’s move past this and get over this hurtle. If I can, why can’t them?

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