Monday, August 12, 2013

Mission to capture and enslave - Lady Dimya Maxillú

by Scroyas von Ethian 

This is my report of the events, that happened after Dimya Maxillú had reached Sardar stil as a free woman, where she celebrated her 20th birthday, and was on her travel back to home.
As I had heared already two missions to capture her on that journey had failed. Well, it was told she would go with a guard of 40 fighters, but there only were 20 with her when she started at last and now just 6 of them were left … and an absolutely healthy and untouched Lady Dimya Maxillú.

One day I sat in a paga bar drinking kalana-wine and using the sluts when Jernson Holden came to me asking if I was free to take part on a capturing-mission, there would be great honor and amazing riches. I asked which slut could bring honor when she submits and what amazing riches could be for a well-payed mercenary like me. He answered: ”Lady Dimya Maxillú, daughter of a new rich merchant from the south. Seems he gets influence that cross the interests of the white caste, and one of the initiates themselves gave me the mission to capture her on her travel back from Sardar. Two earlier missions have reduced her guard for us, and now we have to finish the job.” I remembered to have heared Dimya was one of the ‘true free women’ who are said they will die before they submit to anyone. “Her death is an option if she denies to cooperate”, Jernson told me. “How many men will you take to this mission?”, I asked. “About 25 or 30 I think”, he told me, ”all of them best fighters. We can not fail, just worst case she will be dead and we loose a bonus on the payment.”
I agreed and he told me to be ready at dawn, he just had to hire some more men for the mission.

I arrived short befor dawn, packed with all such a mission would need. At last there were 40 men not including Jernson and myself. I asked about the payment, when there are more men to divide. Jernson told me every one will get two great golden tarn discs if we succeed and an aditional third when we manage to bring back Dimya alive and enslaved, no matter how many men will come with. “The initiate, who sent me, told he will pay that for upto 50 men, but I did not get more then 42, including both of us. Your position is as my right hand, I know you are experienced in such missions and leading the troops.

He instructed us to the mission details and two ahn after dawn we marched.

My first mistake was not to ask what exactly were the words of the initiate and what exactly is the meaning of what he said.

Twelve  days we marched to a small way between the mountains, where Lady Dimya and her guards have to pass, if they don`t want to travel around the mountains for some more weeks. So it was the perfect place for a trap. In some distance we build our camp with some little huts. Carefully we investigated the mountains, hills and valleys, pointing out where everyone of us has to be when we strike. We planned to kill all the Guards at once by crossbows instantly at the begin and as the end of the battle. Then we should be able easy to bind that little girl and enslave her. Jernson was experienced in enslaving even hardlining free women. At last they all yield to the whip … we thought.

After two weeks of preparing and exercising the plan one of the scouts saw Dimya, as expected surrounded by her last 6 guards, two in front of her, one on each side and two behind her, her servants in a row 10 yards behind them. She walked exactly on the way we had expected, direct to our well-prepaired trap. On that distance there were some more ahn left until their arrive, so concentrated and careful we took our places and prepared the fight.

The first strike was as perfect as planned. 24 Bolts hit the 6 guards, four bolts for each one. The guards fell down, dead before they had recognized any danger.  In the same moment 6 of our men stood up, surrounding Dimya, ready to grapple her if she tries to flee. The servants fell down on their stomachs, showing they won`t make any trouble. But Lady Dimya Maxillú just stopped, took down her cape and looked with an express of understanding to her dead men, then to our man around her. Then she just looked straight forward, as if she expected anything. The crossbowmen closed the circle around Lady Dimya and secured the servants. Jernson and myself went to the way in front of the woman and accidently steped on the way at the point she looked at. I think something in her face told me that she knew what happens, better than anyone of us. I thought it is the arrogance of already free sluts in robes of concealment … they allways fail such that way.

“Tal Lady Dimya Maxillú!”, said Jernson, ” I am Jernson Holden and now you are captured!”.
I still don´t know how this little woman managed to look down on the huge warrior Jernson Holden while she answered: ”Tal Jernson Holden,  I just agree to be surrounded, but I deny to be captured!”
With a little gesture Jernson ordered 4 men to grapple her. They jumped to Dimya grabbing her arms simultanly and also simultanely they fell down … dead. I just didn’t see any little movement of Dimya at that moment, but she easily managed to kill them … anyhow. Then two men took a long rope and tried to bind her by surrounding her several times, binding her without come to close. Dimya moved her hands to her mouth, holding a golden pipe in each of them and made a little blow. The two men with the rope perished before the rope touched her.

Anything went wrong …

Jernson ordered to force her down and all men started to attack that young woman, who suddelnly held a buckler in her left and a dagger in her right hand and fought like a devil. Seven dead men later we had pinned her to the floor with our shields in a way she could not reach anyone of us. So we succeeded to bind her in a way making it able to bring her to the huts. Jernson faced Lady Dimya and said: “I think now you will agree to be captured, Lady, won`t you? And also you will agree to submit!”. “I just agree that it might look like something like I am as good as nearly captured! Butt! My father told me not to submit to a stranger.”, answered Dimya.  “We will see, my lovely little girl!” said Jernson ,”Bring her to the huts we will give her the hospitality of the pole and see what effect some caresses with the fife-straped can have!”, grinning to Dimya. I shivered when I saw the superior smile Lady Dimya Maxillú gave to her capturer.

Back by the huts we bound her to the pole, hands up and only her foottips on the bottom, but still in her robes of concealment. Jernson faced her, grinning: ”Now here you are on the pole, awaiting the whip! Do you already smile?”. Dimya just smiled like a mother seeing her child doing stupid things. For the first time Jernson lost his selfcontrol. First only his chin dropped. Dimya said: ”Maybe your opinion can be changed by a little whip of a whip. But there are women like me, with much more courage than any of you fools, and I want to excuse me by all the fools I flamed by this compare.” A short silence followed before Jernson startet to shout as loud as possible”YOU DAMMED LITTLE BITCH!! STOP LAUGHING!! I WILL BREAK YOU! YOU WILL BEG TO BE ALLOWED TO SUBMIT!! YOU DIRTY SLUT!” Turning arround to his men: “RIP OF HER CLOTHES!! SHE WILL GET THE FIVE-STRAP GOREAN SLAVE WHIP!!” Faithless I stared to Dimya who was smiling innocent as if this was a play where she could say “stop!” when it starts to come dislikely. Well, of course she could do it, but no one will react as she expect when doing it I had bet … that time already.

The first two guys who started to rip down her chlothes, one from left side, one from the right,  died immediately. The next men started to undress her carefully with thick gloves and looking on every grip they made and so we lost only two more men before she was naked except of her chastity belt. All the goldthreads and jewels in her clothing would be enough for several payments of ransom money, but just a little bit of crap compared to her chastity-belt. Made of blue steel, woven in perfect pattern, inlays of gold, platin and some metals(?) I don`t know, secured with a complex lock like I never have seen a second one. As I expected the first, who tried to break it, perished instantly. Talden, on of the fighters, interrupted and said: “I am experienced with lockpicking, exspecially those of chastity-belts, give me one ehn, or two!” Lady Dimya, already smiling, said: “I think it will only take a few ihn.” Laughing Talden went to her and started to investigate the lock, touching it on some points and then began to manipulate the mechanic. Ihns later we heared the first click from the lock and wondered if such a worthy belt was secured with such a bad lock and Lady Dimya just knew about that. A few ehn later we wondered that there was no more clicking and asked if it might be much more complex than we thought. Someone touched Talden to ask how long it will need to open the lock. Talden fell aside. Another count for Dimya, who said: “I told him it will take only a few ihn, and I was right. I just wondered how long it took for you to recognize that he is already dead.”
Jernson shouted enraged: “TELL ME: IS THERE ANY WAY TO OPEN THIS BELT?”

“Of course there is!”, answered the bound woman, ”I have to clean me. The scent of a dead fish is yours, Jernson.”

Jernson stared at her, but he did not answer. He just took the whip and begun to beat the woman. I saw Dimyas face, saw the pain in it with every beat of the whip, but there was no noise except her breathing, everytime she instantly got back her control and I recognized that she knows what happens and that she also knows how it will go on. No matter what we did, she never ever showed the smallest sign of weakness. She told us: “Of course you can beat me,torture me, kill me, maybe you can even rape me (with a very ironically smiling), but you are absolutely unable to make me submitting to anyone. So you can unbind me now or you can continue your foolish tries to break an unbreakable force.”

She was beaten for three days and there had been no sign of any weakness, when she asked Jernson: ”Tell me: if I submit, would you stop to beat me?”. “Of course”, answered Jernson,”that is what this is for.” “Ah”, Dimya answered, “and now please tell me how I should respect such a whimp who would jump at a slaves will?” 

“SLUT!! DIRTY BITCH!!!”, Jerndon finally lost his selfcontrol, ”FEED HER TO THE THALARION!!”

We accepted to loose the bonus and brought her to a valley, a few miles away. With bound hands and feet we threw her down the Valley to the forest, where our scouts had seen a high thalarion in the first days we build our camp. When she arrived at the border of the forest she just didn`t move anymore and we thought maybe she is already dead. We didn`t care about her, and we thought the wounds and the smell of blood will call the Thalarion and in a few ehn she will be eaten. We went back fast, because we didn`t want to risk to be hunted by the beast.

The next two days we begun to prepare our travel back, when Jernson suddenly stopped and stared to me. “What is wrong?”, I asked him. “Shit”, he answered, “did you see the engravement on Dimyas chastitybelt?” “You mean these golden letters? ‘Belt of Honor’. Why do you ask?”, I said. Now he explained: “The initiate told me: ‘Capture and enslave Dimya Maxillú! If she doesn`t submit kill her and bring me her belt’ … and he said anything about honor, but I did not understand it right. I thought he means the belt of her dress with the purse and the keys. Now I think he said ‘bring me her Belt of Honor’, so we have to search her body … or what is left.”

For two weeks we searched the belt or whatever could be left from Dimya, but we did not find anything. Some of the men did never return from the search, maybe they met the thalarion. We just decided to continue the search for two more days before going back and try to prove Dimyas death by showing only her robes of concealment, wich were stored in a solid chest after some of the men tried to get the jewels sewn to the clothes and died.

The guards just had changed when Verl, one of them, shouted: “Visitor coming, I think it is Lady Dimya Maxillú!”. I ran to the guard and also saw Lady Dimya straight walking to our camp, wearing  accurate robes of concealment, made of dry straw with applications of cornflowers, carrying a closed basket at her left arm. I smiled saying: “ Tal Lady Dimya, nice to see you again”.

She came directly to me and said with fearfull eyes (I thought): ”I have seen the high thalarion, and I am here for the submission!”. ‘Strike’ I thought, and I asked her what is in the basket. She told me it should be a surprise, but there would not be any danger, so I didn’t care about it. I led her to the hut of Jernson. Jernson stared at her as if he saw a ghost, then, smiling, led her inside, telling me: “No matter what happens, do not disturb us under any circumstances!” Then he closed the door, alone with Lady Dimya. I managed to get a hidden position from where I could investigate what happened in the hut:

With her absolutely innocent smile Dimya said: “My dear, let me serve you a cup of hot paga and talk about the submission!” Laying back, a victorious smile on his face Jernson took the paga and emptied the first cup in one big sip, then threw the cup back to Dimya: ”first bring a second cup of paga!”, he told. The little Lady said: “Lay back on the cushions and relax, while I change my dress-up” and she started to open her dress of straw and flowers. Exited I looked, expecting to get another view on her soft, white silken skin, probably with some bloody streams from the whip. My heart stopped, when she dropped the dress.  My blood froze, I turned panic, but I wasn`t able to move just a little bit. Under the dress of straw and flowers she wore another accurate robes of concealment, deepest black and gleaming red, made of the fresh skin of the high thalarion. Indeed, she did not only see that beast …
Dimya prepared a second cup of paga and with an absolute innocent voice she told Jernson: “Isn`t it a nice dress? These are the caste-colors of my father!” He shouted: “Don`t bore me! Undress completely and bring me the Paga, slut, and then kneel down and submit!”

She looked at him pity, like a mother looks to her child when she recognize that the child doesn`t understand what happens. “I told you I want discuss the submission, I did not tell you I would submit.” Then I saw something in Jernsons face, a sign of understanding and fear glowing up in his eyes. I recognized that he tried to speak, but there was no noise, he tried to move, but he couldn`t, then the fear in his eyes turned to panic as he saw himself trapped. “I am happy you drank the poison I served you without making trouble”, Dimya said, “it is a wonderful poison, I like it. You are neither able to move nor to scream or just say anything, but you can hear me and see me … and of course you can feel pain. And now you will do all of this. This poison will work for hours, and I can give more if I want. So now I will discuss your submission. I think it will be a monologue for a while. Enjoy your lessons!”. Then first, ignoring Jernson completely, she opened her basket. Carefully she took two little High Talation babies on her arm, both not older than two weeks. As I know now they were of the last eggs of the high talarion Dimya managed to kill. She fed them the meat of their mother, wich she also had brought in the basket.

 After she had finished she went to the chest where we stored her clothes and all the other stuff we managed to remove from her. At last no one of us dared even to touch that stuff, and we put it into the chest with a fork. She grabbed the belt of her dress and a little box, wich has been attached to her left arm. Of course one of the men had tried to open the box. He was already burried. The woman opened the belt and laid about a dozen little cups on a table, fixed the little box to her left arm again and with a small movement of her right hand she took out a whip, made of flexible blue steel and extendable to nearly three feet length, a little blade at its tip. With highest perfection she started to remove Jernsons clothes by whipping it into stripes, and with every hit she made a very light red mark on Jernsons body. She was building up a perfect artwork of precise pain. First I saw resistance in his eyes, then I think I saw a beg for mercy, but I can not be sure,  because of the poison Dimya used. She perfectly managed not to let him faint, but hold him on the border of growing pain … for several ahn, from time to time dipping the tip of the whip into different of the cups on the table. I guess different kinds of torturing poisons. At last I could see his eyes break in a way that I knew he would beg to be allowed to submit and he would never ever again act against her order. She exactly knew what she did and what happened to him, when he broke, and it was the time she planned to break him. All the time she told him on what point of the submission he was. His eyes told she was right. Then she took out a small phiole and some needles. “This”, she began to explain, ”is a kind of color, just usable for tattoos. For now you did not submit by free will, so I can not brand you the Kajirus-‘K’, but I will tattoo it with this interesting color. It will cause pain as long as the tattoo exists. But it can be removed … with a hot iron.” She smiled warm and friendly. I shivered. Two ahn later she finished the tattoo just in the moment he began to move again. “Oh, you are able to express yourself again”, she said, “Do you want to tell me something?”. Weak he moved a little bit, tried to get up, then fell down on his knees to the feet of Lady Dimya. I knew he was broken ahns before, so I wasn`t surprised when I saw him submitting immediately: ”Lady Dimya, my highest mistress, this boy submitts to you completely and if mistress allows this boy would please her to be branded with the sign of Kajirus.”
“This is neither the time nor the place to submit.” told Dimya, “first we will exercise a little bit”. “What ever my high Mistress orders!” he answered. While his movement abilities slowly returned he learned to heel on his knees, to kiss the shoes of the Mistress and some other useful things. Then Lady Dimya Maxillú prepared to leave the hut.

At this time the guards had changed again, and one of them who was called Wossov came to the camp and asked “Tell me, who was the slaver I saw arriving this morning at the begin of my guard on the other side of the camp?” “There was no slaver”, answered Verl, the guard who had first seen Dimya this morning, “Only Lady Dimya arrived, she had seen the high thalarion and returned  for the submission. She is in the hut with Jernson.”. Silently Wossov stared at Verl for nearly an  ehn. “Lady Dimya Maxillú … we all know her from the pole … after she was fed to the talarion, naked and bound … returned … in the colors of the slaver … for the submission… ? … and you did NOT kill her instantly … ? … does anyone here use his brain? Everyone who touched her, except Jernson, is dead … Some of them died after she was fed to the talarion! When we started we were 42 strong fighters, we killed her guards and took her servants without any loss … and now there are just a dozen left ... She SMILED at the pole … after 3 days of whipping! … does anyone really think she came to submit herself? She must be protected by the priestkings themselves!”, he shouted. I thought by myself, starring to the little Lady: “She not only survived to be fed to the talarion, she also killed that beast and now she wears its skin”.

In that moment Lady Dimya turned her head and stared directly into my eyes, as if she had known all the time that I had been investigating what happens in the hut, and she gave me a sign to go to the other men on the central place in the camp. When I arrived maybe anything in my face told the others something turned very wrong but I did not say a word . There was absolute silence and everyone heared the clicking of the door of Jernsons hut. The boy formerly known as Jernson Holden came out, naked, crouching on all four. Then, a few yards away from the hut, he turned and faced the door. There was nothing to see for about an ehn. Then the sound of steps came out of that little building. Dimya, already dressed in the black and red skin of the high talarion, just added her old veil and some other accesoires, I think most of them very deadly poisoned, came out of the door, her head high up, straight and strong, a free woman by nature, holding in her hands binding fibre, a collar and a leash.
The men recognized, as I had done before, that very special dress of that very special little woman. No one even dared to breath. The boy formerly known as Jernson Holden rose up to his knees, dropped his head and lifted his hands, crossed and ready to be bound. Again he said: ”Lady Dimya, my highest mistress, this boy submitts to you completely and if mistress allows this boy would please her to be branded with the sign of Kajirus.” “I accept your submission and I will decide if and when I will brand you” answered Lady Dimya. Then she went to her new slave. With an experienced movement she bound his hands, as fast and secure as a slaver had done it. Shivering I remembered the dress she wore when she arrived this morning. With a light step she moved behind him and put the collar on his throat. There was no sound except the little “click!” when the collar got locked, and another when she fixed the leash on it.

“Scroyas”, she called me, “your mission failed and you lost your leader. You are the highest rank of these men and I lost some of my guards. So I ask you: Do you accept to be hired as my guards?”. I accepted and no one dared to deny.

We needed 3 days to break down the camp and then we began the journey to the home of Lady Dimya. She cared for the little animals she had saved like a loving mother, and I bet some day, when they are grown up, she will ride on them. The boy formerly known as Jernson Holden was led at the leash all the way, with hands bound on his back. After 5 days Lady Dimya decided to brand him.
Arrived in the city of Dimyas home she went to the temple. She only took one of the Talarion babies, the boy formerly known as Jernson Holden, at the leash and on his knees, and myself with her. She went to one special of the initiates and only said: “I just know what happened.” He stared at the little Lady, the Talarion on her arm, her dress of high talarion skin, the boy at the leash, who he recognized as the man he sent to capture her. His face turned to a greenish white, his eyes showed panic.  She turned around and went of.

As far as I know it was the last time ever this initiate was seen.

Then we went to her father, Danathos Maxillú. When he saw his Daughter he said: “Welcome back my little girl! How was your journey? It is a nice dress you wear.” Smiling she answered: “Hello Daddy, it was a wonderful trip! Everything happened exactly as we expected. Unfortunately I failed to make leather of this skin for the dress, because I did not have the time for it, so it will not be best very long. But I found two little animals, I’d like to keep them.”  Danathos said: “Well, I expected you would escape the talarion, not that you kill it.” Lady Dimya Maxillú just answered: “small details”

My chin dropped when I heared her last statements … when I finaly understood, all that happened was still part of THEIR plan.

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