Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Rules from my Master

1. I will not talk back to my Master, under any circumstance.

2. I will obey my Master at all times.

3. I will ask my Master permission to do anything at all.

4. I will have no sexual encounters with anyone but my Master

5. I will beg permission to masturbate or have an orgasm.

6. I will learn to speak in a lady like manner

7. I will not be afraid to ask my Master questions

8. I will call my Master by a vanilla name when company is over.

9. I will say my Master at the end of sentences when speaking to my Master

10. I will never say anything negative about myself.

11. I will keep a daily journal, and write in it twice a day

12. I will respond to my Master as promptly as I can

13. I will spank my pussy on command, unless family is around

14. I will be with my Master at all times if he is online.

15. I will maintain a healthy lifestyle

16. I will not do any illegal drugs.

17. I will never speak poorly about my Master

18. I will make sexual advances

19. I will not refuse a punishment

20. I will ask for alone time with Master

21. I will never be rude to anyone

22. I will speak my mind to my Master

23. I will never, lie, cheat, steal

24. I will not text or talk on my cellphone while driving.

25. I will tell my Master if anyone is harassing me.

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