Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who should approach first. Master or slave?

The discussion I visited today wasn’t much to my liking. The atmosphere was lovely and the topic was perfect. The layout of the discussion not so much.  Anyways, the discussion today was related to, who asks first. Should the Dom take initiative and approach the submissive, or should it be the other way around?
So it was interesting to sit back, and hear both sides from Dominants, and submissives. One Dom, said he would feel that the Dominant should approach the submissive first. Many agreed with him. One submissive said that if they should approach first, it would seem to bold, and not humble.  Of course about almost all the submissives agreed with her. 

So, let me tell you what I think. The Dominant is of course the leading figure. They are after all the one in charge. I think as the leader they should approach the submissive first. HOWEVER, what if the Dominant doesn’t seem to notice a particular submissive, which notices them? I think that a submissive, though bold, should have a right to approach. This is after all the real world. 

Though in my personal experience, both with online, and real world scenes, I do not mind a submissive/slave approaching me. I do prefer if they ask to get closer, and ask to speak however. At which time they can voice they are interested. After that I feel it is my decision to choose if I wish to pursue them.

So please, leave your comments at the bottom. Tell me what you think.

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