Thursday, May 30, 2013

Things not to do as a gorean slave girl

Do Not Be Insubordinant

"Insubordination, slaves are quickly taught, is not acceptable, in any way, to the Gorean Master."

Page 123 - Kajira of Gor

"Insubordination in any form, of any sort, in even the tiniest, least significant degree, is not accepted from slave girls by their Gorean Masters."

Players of Gor, Page 227

Do Not Try to Manipulate

"Did you strike me because I challenged your manhood?" she asked."  You were not struck for such an absurd reason," I said. "You were struck, rather, because you were attempting to manipulate me."

Page 422 - Merceneries of Gor

Do Not be Disrespectful

"Forgive me, Master," she said. "I was not respectful. It was appropriate that I be cuffed."

Page 193 - Magicians of Gor

Do Not Be Curious

"What is to be done with us?" demanded Verna. "Curiosity" said Marlenus, "is not becoming in a Kajira. You might be beaten for it"
Hunters of Gor, page 142

"Curiosity is not becoming in a Kajira is a common Gorean saying. The girl learns quickly that it is not her business to meddle in the affairs of her master but, rather, to be beautiful, and serve him, abjectly and totally."
Savages of Gor, page 61

"Curiosity is not becoming in a kajira" he said. "nonetheless" I said "we are notoriously curious. Doubtless the saying would not have otherwise gained such wide currency."
Kajira of Gor, page 443

Do Not Have a Command Repeated

"Strip,” he said. “There are others present,” she protested. His right hand, in a backhand blow, lashed forth, fierce and powerful, striking her from her knees to her side on the tiles. She rose to her hands and knees and, blood at her mouth, regarded him, disbelievingly. “Must a command be repeated?” he inquired. Swiftly she tore away the slave tunic, stripping herself."

Guardsman of Gor, Page 257

Do Not Expect Anything

"So, it is all the will of men?" she said, through her tears. "All the debts, all the owing, all the payments? And nothing is owed to me?"
"No," I said. "Nothing is owed to you. You are a slave."

Page 204 - Magicians of Gor

Do Not Expect Explanations

"Surely you must understand," he said......"A slave girl requires no explanation," I said.  "It is hers only to obey."

Slave Girl of Gor, page 424

Do Not Expect Protection

"The discipline of a slave," I said, "may be attended to by any Free Person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it." The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar."
Magicians of Gor,  Page 122

Do Not Conceal Anything

"A slave girl is not permitted to conceal anything from her master. She is his. She must be completely open to him, in all ways, and at all times."

Page 84 - Hunters of Gor

"Slaves, of course, being mere articles of property, are not entitled to privacy."

Guardsman of Gor, 171

Do Not have Inhibitions

"I looked down upon her. "You are a wanton slave," I said. She looked up at me laughing, "A girl in a collar is not permitted inhibitions," she said. It was true, slave girls must reveal their sexual nature, totally. Do they not do so , they are beaten."

Page 278 - Marauders of Gor

Do Not Shortchange your Beauty

"Slave girls are not permitted to shortchange their beauty. They must fulfill its promise"

Page 416 - Magicians of Gor

Do "NOT" try to top the Master

"Sometimes slaves are skillful in immeshing masters in the toils of their beauty. How often do they conquer us with their softness! How often are we the victims of their delicious, insidious charms and wiles! What drums and alarms are found, upon occasion, in their glances and smiles. What battalions can march in a tearful eye and a trembling lip. What potent strategies can lurk in the line of a breast or the turn of a hip. How a bent knee and a bowed head can wrench a man's guts. Helplessness and vulnerability seem strange shields; how implausible is gentleness as an instrument of diplomacy; what an unlikely weapon is her tenderness. Who is most powerful, I wondered, the master or the slave? Then I realized that it is the master who is most powerful for he may, if he wishes, put her on the block and sell her or dispose of her in any way he pleases. In the end, in the final analysis, it is he, and not she, who holds the whip. It is she who, in the end, must kneel at the feet of a master, completely at his mercy, her will, in the final analysis, nothing. It is she who, in the end, in the final analysis, is owned, and must please, absolutely."

Blood Brothers of Gor, page 316

Do Not Speak Against a Free Man

"The demeaning of men, whereas it is permitted to, and not unknown among, free women, is not permitted to female slaves. Such, on their part, can be a capital offense." 

Magicians of Gor, page 226

Do Not Speak Without Permission

"Master!" she wept.
"Were you given permission to speak? " I asked.
"No, Master," she wept.
"Then be silent,"  I said.
"Yes, Master," she said.

Player of Gor, page 259

"May I speak, Master?" asked the girl. 
"Yes," I said, as Marcus would not respond to her.  This permission may be given by any free person and is effective, unless it is overruled by the true master."

Vagabonds of Gor, page 486

"Blood ran from my mouth; other blood I swallowed. My vision cleared; I could not believe the pounding of my heart. I had been cuffed. I knelt, terrified. At that time I did not realize how light had been my discipline considering the gravity of my offense. I had both spoken without permission, and broken position without permission. Most simply, I had been displeasing to a free man.

Slave Girl of Gor, Page 34

Things to do as a gorean slave girl

Strive for Perfection

"We do not choose our Masters nor is it up to us, whether or not we will please them, or to what degree. We must strive be perfection all ways, for anyone. that is part of what is to be a slave. In reconciling myself to bondage I had, also, to reconcile myself to this condition, it is a part of bondage. It is something which the slave must accept. Without it there can be no true slavery. I had accepted this condition, at least theoretically, verbally acknowledging its incumbency on me, in my training. somehow, interestingly, this acceptance too, seemed liberating to me, it made my bondage much more real to me. Too, interestingly, in its way, it also made it seem much more precious to me."

Page 92 - Dancer of Gor

"It is almost impossible for a girl to keep her thoughts or feelings from her master. He knows her too well. Most girls are extremely responsive to their masters, and love them deeply, with that incredible love which can be known only by an enslaved woman, that love which a woman can accord only to a man who is her total master. Yet I would be remiss did I not mention that even the most vital, animate slave, delightedly conversing with her master, knows that at a mere snap of his fingers she may have to tear aside her garments and serve him as a chain slut. She is owned. Too, many slave girls are kept by men who are harsh and cold to them, who despise them as mere slaves. These girls, too, of course, must obey. They, too, of course, must perform perfectly for their masters."

Page 99 - Fighting Slave of Gor

Be Fully Pleasing

"But I knew, looking down at those faces, that if any of them owned me, I would have to be fully pleasing to them. I would have to bend all of my efforts, and all of my beauty, my charm, my grace, my knowledge, my intelligence, my tact, everything that I was, and could hope be, to that end. I would have to be to them, and perfectly, a pleasure slave. And what horrified me most, I think, was that I wanted this. I wanted to serve men, and give them pleasure, to be precious to them, to be loved and appreciated, to make them happy."

Page 135 - Dancer of Gor

Be Eager

"We must thus see to it that we are marvels to them, that we serve them with eagerness and perfections. This is not a matter , incidentally, of serving regardless of our will and possible desires, or in spite of them, but of actually adjusting our will and desires, in such a way that they now find expression and fulfillment even in such service."

Page 312 - Dancer of Gor

Kneel Before The Master

"He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of a Gorean Master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading his first and index finger, pointing downwards. I fled to him and knelt before him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling."

Page 143 - Captive of Gor

"A Gorean slave girl in the presence of a free man or woman always kneels, unless excused from doing so."

Page 73 - Captive of Gor

Fear the Master

"It is well for a slave to fear her master"

Page 143 - Dancer of Gor

Address Correctly

"The Gorean slave girl addresses all free men as "Master" and all free women as "Mistress."

Page 215 - Assassin of Gor

"Similarly, slaves on the whole, do not address free men by their names."

Page 12 - Assassin of Gor

Mind Your Own Business

"Do not concern yourself in this matter, with the values of others, and particularly of men."

Mercenaries of Gor, page 176

"Curiosity is not becoming in a Kajira is a common Gorean saying.  The girl learns quickly that it is not her business to meddle in the affairs of her master but, rather, to be beautiful, and serve him, abjectly and totally."

Savages of Gor, page 61

Keep Your Focus Where it Belongs

"Do not concern yourself in this matter, with the values of others, and particularly of men, or of those who desire to be imitative of men, but seek to find your own female values, the deepest and most feminine values in your being, those of your deepest self. Try to find out who you are, in the depths of your most complete femaleness, and then dare to be what, truly, you are."

Mercenaries of Gor, page 176

Remember Your Duties

"What are the duties of a slave?" I asked.  "They are complex and manifold, Master," she said.  "Speak generally," I said. "We are to be absolutely docile," she said.  "totally obedient  and fully pleasing."

Savages of Gor, page 184

"It is the duty of a slave girl to be fully and completely pleasing to men. Were she not so she would be subject to severe punishment, including even torture and death, should it be the master's wish...

Slave Girl of Gor, page 226

"What is the duty of a slave girl?" I inquired.
"Absolute obedience" she said, frightened.
"What are you?" I inquired.
"A slave girl," she said.
"What is your duty?" I asked.
"Absolute obedience," she cried out.

Hunters of Gor, Page 258

"One of the utilities of a slave, of course, is to occasionally serve as the helpless object upon which the Master may vent his dissatisfaction, his frustration or anger. Too, of course, they may serve many other related purposes, such as the relief of tensions, to relax oneself and even to calm oneself for clear thought."

Magicians of Gor, page 134

"But are there no other duties?" I asked.
"A girl's first duty, of course, Master," she said, "is to be pleasing to her Master."
"In what way?" I asked.
"In any, and every way, of course, Master," she said shyly."

Vagabonds of Gor, Page 443

Remain Invisible at Times

"Suppose," I said, "that I was, in my compartments, entertaining a free woman. In such a situation you would be expected to efface yourself, and humbly serve. You would not speak unless you were spoken to, and then presumably only to respond deferentially to commands. You would remain in the background, a mere instrument to serve us. In no way would you in the slightest be permitted to detract from the impression or effect the free woman desires to create or compete with her in any way. You would be nothing in the room but an almost invisible convenience."

Beasts of Gor, page 276

Be Honest

"The absolute truth must be spoken to a Gorean master. It is forbidden to a girl to hide her feelings."

Page 346 - Captive of Gor

"A slave girl is not permitted to conceal anything from her master. She is his. She must be completely open to him, in all ways, and at all times."

Page 84 - Hunters of Gor

Show Emotions

"Emotion is not only positive, but necessary; the mastery of it is not up to the female. It is up to the male. She is to be every bit the writhing, crying, joyful, and utterly female being she can possibly be. It would be cruel to suggest otherwise."

Page 17- Tribesmen of Gor

Be Thankful
"It is the nature of the female to submit; accordingly, it is natural that, when she is forced to acknowledge, accept, express and reveal this nature, that she should be almost deliriously joyful, and thankful, to her Master; she has been taught her womanhood". 

Marauders of Gor, Pg 155

Show Exquisite Beauty and Absolute Obedience

"What are my duties?", I asked.
"Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience".    

Slave Girl of Gor, Pg 261

Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Slave Paces

~ Slave Paces with Documentation ~

Q:   What is the common purpose of a collar?
A:  The collar has four common purposes, Master.
First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, should it be covered by clothing.
Second, it impresses my slavery upon me.
Thirdly, it identifies me to my Master.
Fourthly, it makes it easier to leash me.

~From Explorers of Gor - Page 80


Q: What are you?
A: I am a slave girl, Master. 

Q: What is a slave girl?
A: A girl who is owned, Master.

Q: Why do you wear a brand?
A: To show that I am owned, Master.

Q: Why do you wear a collar?
A: That men may know who owns me, Master.

Q: What does a slave girl want more than anything?
A: To please men, Master.

Q:   What is the duty of a slave girl
A:  Absolute obedience and exquisite beauty, Master.

Q:  What is a girl's first duty?
A:   A girl's first duty is to be pleasing to her Master, in any and every way, Master.

Q:  What rights does a slave have?
A:  None, Master.

Q:   Who may punish a slave?
A:   Any free person may punish me, Master.

Q:  When does a slave say "No" to a free person?
A:  Never, Master.

Q:  When is insubordination, in any form, accepted from a slave?
A:  Never, Master.

Q:  A slave is always permitted the last words in a discussion, what are they?
A:  Yes, Master.

Q:  What hangs upon the wall?
A:  The slave whip, Master.  How may I  be more pleasing?


He is Master, and I am Slave.
He is owner, and I am owned.
He commands, and I obey.
He is to be pleased, and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because he is Master and I am Slave.

`Explorers of Gor - Page 179



"What is the duty of a slave girl," I inquired.
"Absolute obedience," she said, frightened.
"What are you?" I inquired.
"A slave girl," she said.
"What is your duty?" I asked.
"Absolute obedience," she cried out.
~ Hunters of Gor, page 258 ~

What are you? I am a slave girl.
What is a slave girl? A girl who is owned.
Why do you wear a brand?  To show that I am owned.
 Why do you wear a collar? That men may know who owns me.
What does a slave girl want more than anything?  To please men.
What are you?  I am a slave girl.
What do you want more than anything? To please men."
~ Assassin of Gor, page 197 ~

"A girl's first duty, of course, Master," she said, "is to be pleasing to her Master."
"In what way?" I asked.
"In any, and every way, of course, Master," she said shyly.
~ Vagabonds of Gor, page 443 ~

"What hangs upon the wall?" a master might ask.
"The slave whip, Master," she responds. "How may I be more pleasing?"
~ Players of Gor, page 25 ~

Insubordination in any form, of any sort, in even the tiniest, least significant degree, is not accepted from slave girls by their Gorean masters.
~ Players of Gor, page 227 ~

"You cannot punish me!" she cried. "You are not my Masters!"
"Any Free Person can punish an errant slave girl," I said. "Surely you do not think that her behavior fails to be subject to supervision and correction as soon as she is out of her Master's sight?"
~ Magicians of Gor, page 225 ~

The discipline of a slave may be attended to by any Free Person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it. The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar.
~ Magicians of Gor, page 122 ~

In the eyes of Goreans, and Gorean law, the slave is an animal. She is not a person, but an animal. She has no name, saving what her master might choose to call her. She is without caste. She is without citizenship. She is simply an object, to be bartered, or bought or sold. She is simply an article of property, completely, nothing more.
~ Hunters of Gor, page 148 ~

The Nature of Gorean Slavery

The Nature of Gorean Slavery

The Gorean word for slave girl is "kajira," plural "kajirae." This does not indicate any specific sort of slave girl, simply a slave girl in general. Some people make a distinction between BDSM "slaves" and Gorean "kajirae," but this is incorrect. The word for an enslaved man is "kajirus," plural "kajiri." This term appears to come from a word in the language of the Wagon People, who speak of a slave as being "clad kajir" when they wear the traditional clothing of a slave in that culture. Another word for slave girl is "sa’fora," which means "daughter of the chain."

Slaves come in all varieties on Gor, from slaves who were once Scribes or Physicians, and still perform those sorts of services, to labor chains, made up of enslaved men who do heavy work such as road building, to personal slaves. Most slaves on Gor are women, although most women on Gor are not slaves. Except for special cases like the city of Tharna, or where a city has just fallen in war, the normal ratio is one in forty or fifty women enslaved.

Slave females are expected to use all of their abilities to please their masters. Since one of the most pleasurable things a man and woman can do together is have sex, slaves are used often for sexual purposes. On Gor, a woman subjected to sexual use as a slave is not permitted to hold back or inhibit herself in any way. Surprisingly to the Terran, but not to the Gorean, the slave female finds that she cannot help but respond deeply and powerfully to the use of a master: her biological tendency to submission, when allowed to manifest itself, rewards her with extraordinary pleasure in sexual use and sexual drives far beyond what the free woman can experience. Gorean slave girls have been known to break their own bones on the bars of their cages trying to touch a man when they have been secured for a long time.

Given the above, there is a rich tradition of formal and informal slave training techniques. A Pleasure Slave, a slave whose primary purpose is to give pleasure to men, will have been taught advanced sexual technique, of course, but that is just the beginning. She will also have been taught to prepare and serve exquisite foods, to arrange flowers, the care and maintenance of the household, how to dress, how to walk, how to speak, and how to hold intelligent conversations with men. Most Pleasure Slaves can play one or more musical instruments and know several formal dances. In effect, they are like Japanese Geisha or ancient Greek hetarai. Their education is quite rigorous and at great expense to their owner/trainer. Girls who don’t learn well and quickly are punished; girls who do learn their lessons well may be rewarded (with candies or pastries, or trips to see various events, and so forth).

The following is a discussion of the basics of the behavior of kajirae.


Kajirae are clad as their master decrees. Of course, the body must be protected from the elements: the kajirae of the Inuit wear heavy furs when outdoors just as free persons do. However, it is typical for a kajira to wear as close to nothing as she can reasonably wear so that her master may take pleasure in her beauty. Tower slaves, the slaves of women or slaves who are not typically expected to be physically appealing, still wear attractive clothes. (Tower slaves are similar to chatelaines, although she is by no means exempt from sexual usage.) And it is well known to Goreans that sometimes what a man cannot see is more interesting than what he can: if a style of dress which is more concealing makes a slave interesting or enticing, she may dress that way if the master permits.

In most cities, it is the law that a slave must wear some sort of token which she cannot remove. Typically this is a steel collar. In the North, the collar is usually a flat strap of iron around the neck, either hinged and locked, or hammered around the girl’s throat by a skilled Metal Worker. In the south, the round or Turian collar, consisting of a round rod bent into a circle and hinged and locked, is used. Bracelets and anklets of steel are also common. Belly chains may also be used, especially in the case of "lure girls" who can have no outward appearance of slavery.

Slaves on Gor are also typically branded. The most common brand is the Gorean letter "kef," which resembles a lower-case cursive "k." The brand is typically an inch to an inch and a half high, on the outer left thigh, although it might be almost anywhere and be almost anything. The brand is considered indelible proof of slavery and any woman who is branded, even if dressed in the Robes of Concealment, had best be prepared to prove that she is free or face immediate reduction to slavery and seizure by the State.

Even the strictest of lifestyle Goreans freely admit that the method of branding used in the Chronicles WOULD NOT WORK to produce a legible brand on human flesh and would in fact be extremely dangerous. Branding as described in the Chronicles should never be performed on a human being. Only a trained and experienced Iron Master should brand a human being.

On a side note, it is traditional for slaves who are not virgins, when held by slavers, to be clad in red silk. (Free women on Gor never wear silk: it is considered scandalous.) Virgins are clad in white silk. Therefore, it is common slang to speak of a woman who has been used by a man as a "red-silk" and a virgin as a "white-silk." It is also common for slaves in some taverns in some cities to wear yellow silk, and there is a certain connotation that yellow silk indicates a tavern slave in those places. However, a master may dress his slave as he pleases, and if she looks good in white, he may dress her in white, and if his Tower Slave looks good in yellow, he may dress her in yellow, and no one would think twice about it. There are no other fixed meanings for colors or styles of silk, although many cities have a standard livery for slaves of the State.

Behavior and Deportment

Kajirae always and at all times must maintain a pleasing and respectful demeanor. Unlike the Terran submissive, there are no safe words, no exceptions for non "scene" interactions. A kajira who is not pleasing will be disciplined in any way the master deems fit, from a harsh word to a severe beating.

Slaves kneel in the presence of the free. Slaves in the presence of free men kneel with their legs apart, hands palm up on their thighs, backs straight, heads up but eyes lowered. This is the position known as nadu or the position of the Pleasure Slave. Slaves in the presence of free women kneel the same way, but keep their knees together. This is sometimes referred to as the position of the Tower Slave. Free women on Gor also kneel, but they keep their legs tightly together and their hands palms down. Men on Gor typically sit cross-legged. Chairs are very rare on Gor, usually used only by men in a position of authority such as judges or Ubars, and are not thought to be very comfortable.

Slaves refer to all free men as "master" and all free women as "mistress." There are no exceptions. Slaves do not address the free by name without permission and even then usually only when specifically ordered to do so. This rule is much less universal than the former and some men like to hear their names on the lips of a slave girl. However, a wise slave girl addressing a free person she did not know would not use their name unless and until bidden, under any circumstances, lest she find too late that the free person in question did not care for it.


Typically, once a slave becomes accustomed to her lot, she requires little discipline – because Gorean men are not afraid to administer it. Traditionally the Gorean slave is disciplined with the five-bladed Gorean slave whip, a wide-bladed flogger. Although this can be used to administer great pain, it does not permanently injure or mark the slave, thereby decreasing her value. Although discipline is usually administered by the master, it is the right and privilege of any free person to discipline any slave for being displeasing, unless the owner’s wishes are made clear that the slave not be disciplined. This is actually thought to be very polite, as disciplining a displeasing slave increases the value of the slave for the owner.

Although Goreans do not administer suffering for suffering’s sake, it is common to occasionally discipline a slave girl simply to remind her that she is subject to discipline. She would be told this, of course, as the discipline was administered, or it would not have its desired effect, instead simply making the slave fearful of random punishments. This forceful reminder of the fact that she is owned sometimes arouses strong feelings of submission, and hence sexual desire, in slave girls. As one character puts it: "It is not the whip, which hurts, that arouses us. Rather, it is the knowledge that we are subject to the whip. We are owned. We are slave."

Sexual Usage

Slaves are subject to sexual usage at any time, in any way the master desires. Given the rarity of disease on Gor and the efficacy of Gorean contraception, this is often. Gorean slaves experience a fantastic blooming of their capacity, desire, and need for sex when they embrace their submissive natures. Gorean men, once exposed to slave sex, will not tolerate anything less from a slave, and require enthusiasm and responsiveness.

If a man does not have his own slave, typically he will go to a Paga tavern or similar establishment where liquor is served. The slaves who serve the liquor, usually a fiery liquid known as Paga which is brewed from grain and served hot, are available for the use of the customer when he buys a drink. To attract customers, tavern owners will have several attractive slaves, one or more of which is usually also a dancer, and a place for slave dance, with musicians and such. Dancers typically cost extra and are not included with the drinks. The taverns have small alcoves where a man can take a slave and use her before returning to the floor for more drink. In such Paga taverns, the price of the drink includes the use of a girl for the remainder of the evening, if the patron so desires.

If a man cannot afford even a Paga tavern, he can take his chances on the street. Slaves called Coin Girls, with locked strongboxes, walk in certain neighborhoods during certain times of the evening. To use one, the man deposits a tiny coin, which entitles him to one usage of the girl. Or he can simply try to find an unescorted slave girl walking the streets: unless she is wearing an iron (chastity) belt, or otherwise protected, a slave must submit to any man who orders her. Given the voracious sexual appetites of slave girls, it is not hard to find one who is temporarily available and slip her into an alley or doorway for a brief encounter. Detaining her overlong, however, is stealing, as her master is entitled to her use and availability.

It is very common to bind slave girls for various purposes, primarily to prevent their escape or theft. However, it is also common to use them while in bondage and any number of clever ties are in use to facilitate this. Being bound and helpless increases a slave girl’s feelings of submission and therefore makes her even more responsive to the touch of men.

Gorean men take great delight in pulling the maximum possible sexual response out of a slave girl. The logic is as follows:

Slaves have an innate desire to be pleasing and to submit.
If their attempts to be pleasing are rewarded with pleasure, they will then try even harder to be pleasing, so as to increase their positive rewards.
Therefore, the more pleasure a girl feels, the more pleasing she will try to be, and the greater the pleasure she will give to the master.

The more she feels herself mastered, the more she will be a slave. The more a slave she is, the more the man will desire to master her. The man and the woman are therefore directly reinforcing each other and accepting and encouraging their biological tendencies for the benefit of both.

Monday, May 20, 2013


So much has happened since I left for New York. My Master and I spit. Turned out he is a complete liar and will never change.  The lies got so bad that even his mother had enough of his crap. So I was down for a long time after we split, but good things come to those who aren’t douche bags.

We made the move from NY to LA (Louisiana not Cali.) I know some people just need that realization that LA stands for a state not a city. Anyways, I hate this area. I feel bad for my brother who has to live here for the next 3-5 years. Don’t get me wrong the base is really nice; it’s just the town blows balls. I wouldn’t wish this area on my worst enemy. They have a strip club inside a double wide trailer. I mean seriously? This town isn’t that big, so you know all the strippers are known by everyone. *Gross*

I love being able to spend this time with my nephew too, even though he is a bit of a hellion. I talk a lot of crap about not liking kids, when really I love them. Just wish they all behaved when they need too. Some good stuff is coming its way to my blog here soon. A new Master, well old but new again. One I have truly missed. He says I love him. But pfft what does he know. *grins*

Hopefully I will get to be breathless again!